Sublime Forum

ST looking for LSP settings in the wrong place?


My ST version: version: 4169 osx arm64 channel: stable

Trying to understand why I see these error messages in the console:

Unable to open /Users/samir/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/LSP/LSP.sublime-settings

I have this settings file (and other LSP files) under “User”, as in /Users/samir/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User.

Why is sublime looking for it under LSP?

I don’t recall changing anything on my system (except the usual official upgrades).

Here’s some more of the stack:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/samir/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Installed Packages/LSP.sublime-package/plugin/", line 968, in clear_async
  File "/Users/samir/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Installed Packages/LSP.sublime-package/plugin/", line 104, in on_before_remove
  File "/Users/samir/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Installed Packages/LSP.sublime-package/plugin/", line 203, in remove_session_view
  File "./python3.3/", line 109, in remove
KeyError: <weakref at 0x1074fc9a8; to 'SessionView' at 0x1074d69e8>

Please advise.

Thank you.



Unrelated to the stack error, the reason you see the load messages is because when you open the LSP settings, Sublime wants to open the default LSP settings in the left hand pane. Those settings are inside of the LSP package itself.

Sublime always looks in the Packages/ folder for files first in case there is an override; when it finds out there’s not one, it loads it directly from the sublime-package file.

You will notice that such messages are only displayed at the point where you try to open the settings file, and despite the message, the settings open anyway.

As for the stack trace, that is unrelated to the settings issue itself; I have no advice in that area other than to make sure that everything is up to date (perhaps LSP updated at the point where you saw that and you need to quit and restart Sublime, for example).




Thank you.

I do recall you have an entire video devoted to settings and configuration … it’s just that I find all this information hard to keep track of in my mind.

Anyway, thanks again for the helpful answer.


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