Sublime Forum

[SOLVED] Text after // Grey out



I am currently using Sublime Text 2 to write and edit Serpent code. I have the Serpent.tmLanguge as package installed. However, this greys out text after // randomly! and not everywhere. This makes it very hard to read the code with lots many comments.

I was wondering if I could modify the xml file or setting of ST 2, so that texts after // become grey.

There are the first few lines of the tmLanguage file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
		Todo: // comments, some keywords
	<string>^\s*(def|class)\s+([.a-zA-Z0-9_ &lt;]+)\s*(\((.*)\))?\s*:|\{\s*$|\(\s*$|\[\s*$|^\s*"""(?=.)(?!.*""")</string>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I don’t know Serpent syntax and did not find the Serpent.tmLanguage you mention, but the following rule should mark all appearances of // ... as comment, if it is what you want.


It should be placed top most to be matched with high priority.

Didn’t work with tmLanguage files so far, but if they support the same kind of scope push/set such as sublime-syntax files, this rule might be missing in some rule subsets.



I’m not at a PC right now, but I found a tmLanguage file for this and it looked like the issue is that // is not just for comments, but also an operator. I think that’s why the syntax as presented doesn’t work as you might like.

I’m not familiar enough with the older syntax spec to know if it’s as capable as sublime-syntax is though.



Thank you very much. Fixed.