Sublime Forum

[solved] St3 doesn't launch from the command line


sublime text launches with the launcher, but it doesn’t launch from the terminal with subl, running subl from bash console does nothing.


Distributor ID: Pop
Description:  Pop!_OS 20.10
Release:  20.10
Codename: groovy


  • installation is mangled, you can find in two locations:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 67 Oct  1  2019 /usr/bin/subl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8803928 Oct  1  2019 /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text
  • it’s in path:
user@os:~$ which subl 
user@os:~$ subl --version
Sublime Text Build 3211
user@os:~$ /usr/bin/subl --version
Sublime Text Build 3211
user@os:~$ /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text --version
Sublime Text Build 3211


wait, it’s not mangled. ST is installed under /opt, as always. Shouldn’t /usr/bin/subl be a symlink, though?

figured out the cause of this:

i added a new group and assigned to user (mpass)
in the shell i log-in as user to apply changes
in the new shell i launch subl and it doesn’t start

user@os:~$ groups
user adm vboxusers docker dev
user@os:~$ su - $USER
user@os:~$ groups
user adm vboxusers docker dev mpass
user@os:~$ subl

that’s weird, i guess i need to log out and back in after all ¯(ツ)/¯