Hi, I’m developing a very simple plugin, the idea is to format current file when on_post_save triggers, it uses Standard JS for this, and I’m running it with subprocess.call, but is not working, I’m getting a 127 error. The weird thing is that exactly same command run from python interpreter works perfectly fine, any ideas? Is there some kind of sandbox for plugins? Thanks!
[SOLVED] Python's subprocess.call error only from plugin
I’m running standard (http://standardjs.com/), tried using the globally installed standard, and I get FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'standard'
, and also tried using the absolute path to the standard binary, here’s the code:
import sublime_plugin
import re
import subprocess
import os.path
class SublimeOnSaveBuild(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_post_save(self, view):
if not re.search("\\.js$", view.file_name()):
print(":: Format with Standard JS ::")
path = view.file_name()
parent = False
while not parent:
path = path.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
if os.path.isfile(path + "/package.json"):
parent = True
standard = path + "/node_modules/.bin/standard"
if os.path.isfile(standard):
#print(subprocess.call(["standard", "--fix", view.file_name()]))
print(subprocess.call([standard, "--fix", view.file_name()]))
Are you on OS X?
From a first look, the code looks okay, although you could be using the os.path functions instead of directly operating on strings. What does running the code output?
Yeap, it’s macOS, the output is 127
, error code for file not found according to google, how can I use os.path functions to improv the code?
Are sublime plugins running in an isolated environment or something similar? I can’t find out why on terminal works…
Install the FixMacPath package (or similar). The reason is that applications launched from the doc don’t inherit the shell environment.
This is going to be fixed in a future build.
This is not about your original problem, this is just a few tips:
Basically, you want to check the extension of the file:
os.path.splitext('myfile.old.py') == ('myfile.old', '.py')
# So just do
if os.path.splitext(v.file_name())[1] != '.js':
With this, you’re not loading regex just for this.
Have a look at os.path
, there’s plenty of good suprises! see on devdocs
And, you’re calling view.file_name()
few times although you’ve saved it in path
, it’s not really optimised.
Thanks, that looks better, path
is being mutated inside the while loop, so the only place where I can replace the v.file_name()
is in the if
, but for that I have to declare and assign path
before knowing if it’s a js file.