Hi guys,
i have a problem with regex and using the settings.get() function together.
My User Settings looks like:
"Username" : "my username",
"Company" : "company name"
I created a new plugin with the following code:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re
# Provide completions that match just after typing an opening angle bracket
class myReplaceCompletions(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
# Only trigger within js
if not view.match_selector(locations[0],
return ]
### initialize config
myConfig = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings")
### test to return an value from the settings
config = myConfig.get("Username")
### some to return an value from the setting
### which uses an external variable to get the key
config_value = "Username"
config2 = myConfig.get(config_value)
### string to replace
string = "/** * * @author: {{Setting:Username}} * @company: {{Setting:Company}} ***/"
### pattern
regex = "{{Setting:(.*?)}}"
#test with get() as string
myReplace = re.sub(regex, "myConfig.get("r'\1'")", string)
### test with get() as function - use config_value (static)
myReplace2 = re.sub(regex, myConfig.get(config_value), string)
### test with get as function - use regex repsonse
### not working
#myReplace3 = re.sub(regex, myConfig.get(r'\1'), string)
return (
("myReplace", myReplace),
("myReplace2", myReplace2),
#("myReplace3", myReplace3),
("myConfigValue", "this is config 1: "+config),
("myConfigValue2", "this is config 2: "+config2)
This code is copied and modified from the HTML Tab Completions.
Why I want this?
I started with snippets(1) and tmPreferences files. But there are some problems with the file permissions in Sublime Text 3.
So i began to use sublime-completions, which are good for small code snippets.
Now i want to use the code from my old snippets(1) and replace the variables, which are defined as $MY_COMPANY in the snippet file.
My idea was to use the placeholders like {Setting:Username} in my new code snippets and replace it dynamicly at execution.
{Setting:Username} will be replaced with myConfig.get(“Username”). Username is in this case \1 from my regex.
I hope you know what i mean.
Thanks for any response and feedback.
Sorry, forgot to paste the first part