I’m developing a plugin that has dynamic text coloring (for windows if that makes a difference)
I create a .sublime-color-scheme
and update the colors then run view.settings().set('color_scheme', 'uuid.sublime-color-scheme')
To cleanup after the view is closed, by listening to on_pre_close
, i run view.settings().erase('color_scheme')
and delete the file.
The problem is, unlike when closing the view, when sublime itself is closed by pressing the X button, the next time you open sublime, the view settings have not been updated to the default.
So you get multiple error popups per window saying “error loading color scheme uuid.sublime-color-scheme”. Its extremely annoying and disruptive.
Ive checked the view settings’ color scheme and it is reporting as the default, but i assume that sublime saves the view settings somewhere on close which happens before the view’s setting has been changed in on_pre_close
is there any way to reset the view color scheme settings on close before they are saved or is there a way to suppress the annoying warnings and fall back to a default color scheme?