Sublime Forum

[Solved] How to override a syntax scope when there is another X scope present?


How to override a syntax scope when there is another X scope present?

There is this scopes defined for the word defined on the preprocessor scope, form the default C++ Syntax file.


And on my syntax file, want to override the scope keyword.control when the scope meta.preprocessor is also defined.
On my settings files, there is this trick for the spellchecking overriding:

"spelling_selector": "source string.quoted - punctuation - meta.preprocessor.include, source comment",

It would only allow the spell checking when the scope punctuation and meta.preprocessor.include are not defined.
Now I want to do the same on my theme file:

        <string>preprocessor, meta.preprocessor - keyword.control</string>

But it is not working.



I found the solution while writing this question. The problem is, I was using the - operator on the wrong scope definition.
I should do it on the keyword.control, instead of in meta.preprocessor:

        <string>Keyword Common</string>
        <string>keyword.common, keyword.control - meta.preprocessor</string>