Sublime Forum

[solved] how to change the color of the url that is located in quick panel


when installing a package with package control you have to choose from this list

well, look at the url color, its very ugly and hard to read.

the question is how do i change this color to whatever i want?

i’ve looked into all items of a .sublime-theme (example here: and i couldnt find something like quick panel label url.

thanks in advance.



that’s 7 years old… so you won’t find it there for sure.

    "class": "quick_panel_detail_label",
    // such as repository links in "Package Control: List Packages"
    "link_color": "var(--bluish)",
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it works now. thanks a lot man.

for everyone who doesnt know where to put this setting:
copy this config into your color theme (for example One Dark.sublime-theme) or default color theme (Default.sublime-theme)

themes are located in:

  • ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/User/One Dark.sublime-theme for example
  • ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Default.sublime-theme
    (on linux)

if the files dont exist, then you can define them and paste the code.

(im describing this because i scratched my head to find out how to do this and i want everybody to solve this easier)

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UI: Customize Theme from the command palette will open a split window that contains the file that you want to edit in the right hand pane, creating it if it’s not already there.

You can refer to the file in the left (which is your theme) to see the structure that you need to use when you modify the template on the right.



can anyone help me with this? I can’t figure out where to put what.

this is how it looks.

why does changing themes not change this link colors? is it the default color from st?

in my theme setting.




You have one too many class items in there; the example above shows the first one, with the second being a comment.

var(--bluish) means "find the color in the current color scheme that is closest to the color blue and use that; so being set that way is only going to change the hue of the blue color used. You would need to set it to a more specific color instead.



I commented out other class. and I thought the color was like a global variable we can access.
Please take a look. it still doesn’t work. and thanks for your quick response.



You commented out the wrong one; try this:

            "class": "quick_panel_detail_label",
            // such as repository links in "Package Control: List Packages"
            "link_color": "color(magenta)",

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Thank you very much. i had the wrong syntax structure.

I was just putting the code inside curly braces ignoring the outer “rules:” and other syntaxes.