Sublime Forum

[Solved] Git​Gutter - Possibility to hide "changed" icon?


Hi there,
I really like the Git​Gutter plugin. But since the latest ST now supports to show ‘changed’ lines by itself I’d like to get rid of the ‘changed line’ icon - and only this one. The + and ↓ indicators are still a great addition currently but the ‘changed’ indicator is redundant now and is too ‘noisy’ now for me.
Is there a way to remove it? I was looking for the image inside the GG theme to simply replace it with an other png, but somehow I couldn’t locate it in my user profile yet.
May anyone can suggest a way to reach this? IMHO (completly) it would be a nice setting for GG, but maybe I am the only one who thinks so :wink:

Thanks in advance!



Wait, ST (release with Git) doesn’t show added/deleted lines?



It does - but there is no (color/line) difference between changed, added or deleted lines yet. Plus it does not highlight staged files (at least here at 2 different setups).



GitGutter loads the icons from a folder which contains an empty Name.gitgutter-theme file. See:

You’d need to copy the default theme folder to your User path, replace the icons you don’t want and set "git_gutter_theme": "Name.gitgutter-theme", in the Preferences.sublime-settings.

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Thank you very much, works like a charm :pray:

(Somehow I assumed that packages are in a non-binary (or what ever) form in the ST profile folder - now I understand why I couldn’t find the Default GG theme as on github there.)



The packages are just zipped to save some space.



Okay, I understand, thanks!