Sublime Forum



The snippet menu is hard to navigate. It’s filled with contextually-useless snippets. I don’t know that I’ve ever inserted Scala snippets in the middle of Python.

Enter Sniptastic.

Sniptastic is a context-sensitive, searchable snippets panel. You only see the snippets Sublime would insert, not the whole list from all the languages you never use. You see the tab shortcut, snippet description, and a preview of the snippet code.

[size=200]Get Sniptastic.[/size]

Take a look at the README for installation instructions. The default activation hotkey is “ctrl+super+s” (super is the windows, meta, or, command key). If you feel like changing the key binding, just look for “ctrl+super+s” in the sublime-keybind file and change as you desire.

[size=85]@Jon: why is the quick panel not fixed-width font and has no tab stops? :smile: either of those would be nice in at least the secondary rows… could make plugins like this prettier.[/size]



Ah… This is awesome!

Contextual awareness too!



turns out the command palette (cmd+shift+P) searches context-sensitive snippets as well (try the ‘snip’ keyword), but doesn’t give a code preview and is mixed with other options. so this plugin still has a place.



I wasn’t able to get this to work. I’m using 2076 on Ubuntu Linux. I’ve tried remapping the shortcut, but it sill does nothing.



Great plugin… one thing i noticed, it doesn’t pull up the snippets for coffeescript… but in the command palette they show and they also work with tab… any ideas?

It also looks like I don’t see all the tab snippets either…



[quote=“ceej”]Great plugin… one thing i noticed, it doesn’t pull up the snippets for coffeescript… but in the command palette they show and they also work with tab… any ideas?

It also looks like I don’t see all the tab snippets either…[/quote]

are the missing snippets inside a tmBundle?
you have two options for a snippet not showing: either the current code didn’t match the snippet’s scope selector, or the snippet wasn’t in a search path and not loaded by the plugin.
if you can tell me how/where exactly the snippet is installed, and give me examples of broken snippets, I can better test

if they were installed via tmBundle, see if the latest commit fixes it



It’s just not showing the Sniptastic menu at all when you hit they key comb for coffeescript, php is fine etc… the coffeescript snippets are there in the normal menu

any ideas?