Sublime Forum

SnAPI - Hyperlinked Sublime Documentation directly in Sublime


If you follow my Sublime Text live streams, you already know about this because we’ve been working on it recently in preparation for this very moment; letting people that don’t (yet) follow the stream know about the SnAPI package.

SnAPI allows you to view the Sublime Text official documentation directly within Sublime, in a context sensitive, hyperlinked manner. Currently it supports the Sublime API, Color Schemes and Build Systems, with the remainder of the documentation on the road map. All of the documentation in SnAPI is Copyright © Sublime HQ Pty Ltd; I just reformatted it from it’s official HTML form.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and we all know that I’m a man of a thousand words, so just imagine all of the words that this demonstration video is going to convey!

[EDIT] A video covering how the help system works in more detail [/EDIT]

SnAPI (and the dependency package that powers it, HyperHelp) are still under active development, so some things may be subject to change but it’s been stable for a long while (I’ve been using it for the better part of a year and a half). This has been a very long-term side project which started initially as a way to provide context sensitive help for OverrideAudit before I decided it could be made into something more.

Since it’s not officially released, in order to install via Package Control you need to tell PC about this custom package repository by using the Package Control: Add Repository command from the command palette. The above video demonstrates how to do this if you’re unsure.

As per usual, mega props to @kingkeith for being my sounding board and providing inspiration, support, design help and the impetus to turn this into something that other people may find as useful as I do.


What's the logic behind view.indented_region?

For those SublimeTexters who’ve never watched @OdatNurd videos I would strongly recommend them to give it a shot… he has really high quality content uploaded in youtube, personally I can say it’s great and educative.

I watched his video not long time ago talking about scopes and selectors and it’s proven to be a really nice help in order to understand the basics :slight_smile:

So yeah guys, just give it a shot! I’m sure you’ll like it :wink:



I’ve seen your video explaining how to install&use SnAPI and I must to say I’m quite impressed, your package looks extremely helpful (i haven’t tested it personally yet though)… One thing I’ve noticed though… was it too complex to make links in the docs so you could navigate by using the mouse instead using the keyboard?

Anyway… I’ll test it tomorrow, I’ve got a feeling this package could perfectly become THE official help inside Sublime so you don’t even need to open the browser and not getting distracted from coding… I’ve got a feeling if you make a proper promotion about this one it could perfectly become quite popular in the ST community, so… good luck! and…

Ty for all the effort!



You can double click links to follow them if you want; I just tend to use the keyboard where possible. I think it should mention that in the popup at that part of the video (but I may be thinking of the video that’s coming up next week :wink: ).

That’s pretty much exactly my use case, yeah. If I look at my browser I tend to check out the forum, SO, etc to see if there’s anything going on (any excuse to avoid work)).



A video released on my YouTube channel today covers how the help system that powers SnAPI works in a little more detail, which was not covered in the original SnAPI video for length reasons.

I’ve edited the original post above to include that video as well, for those that want a little more in depth information on how the help system works and how to use it.

There’s one more video planned in this series that releases next week and covers how to create your own help using the system.



This looks awesome! Reminds me of Emacs’ documentation.

One big advantage of this plugin is the fact that it contains the actual documentation content, making it available to view offline. This makes the documentation much more accessible within business’ networks, for example.

Thank you :smile:

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