I’m working on a custom plugin right now that I want to hook into the sidebar. Right now, I think everything is set up properly; however, when I click on a file/folder, I get an empty array with no data. Below is my code:
class CrxdeOpenFolderCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, files):
print("Open Folder")
def is_visible(self, files):
print("Is Visible")
return True
Also, here’s my Side Bar.sublime-menu:
{ "caption": "-", "id": "crxde_commands" },
{ "caption": "Update From CRXDE", "command": "crxde_open_folder", "args": {"files": ]} },
{ "caption": "-", "id": "end" },
BTW, I created a new Side Bar.sublime-menu as opposed to hacking the one in the default package. Again, it seems like it’s working as my print() calls execute in console, but I have empty arrays getting passed into my methods – and I’ve confirmed this by seeing errors when trying to access an index within the array. Any ideas on what I could be missing?