Sublime Forum

Side Bar: right-click folder -> open folder in new window


I’m using Sublime 3 3083, and I want to be able to be able to right click a folder in the sidebar and open it in a new Sublime window. “Rebasing” if you will.

To that end I’ve created a new file: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Side Bar.sublime-menu, In which I have the following:

    { "caption": "Open new window here", "command": "open_folder", "args": {"files": ]} }

The new menu item appears, but it’s greyed out. Possibly because open_folder isn’t a legitimate command? open_file doesn’t seem to be a command either, and prompt_open_folder does work, but it doesn’t seem to take any arguments and so isn’t very useful.

Is it possible? Is there a list of available commands?

Thanks for any help.



The easy way is to install SideBarEnhancements which adds that option



Thanks Tito. That’s a much better solution :smile: