Sublime Forum

Shortcuts to jump to sentence/paragraph start/end


Hello, is it technically possible in ST to move the cursor to the beginning and end of the sentence, and paragraph?

I’ve made a little demo of desired funcitonality for sentences. Hope it explains the idea:


And here’s a demo for moving across paragraphs. By paragraph I mean, literally, a paragraph, not a visually seen line:


* * *

Something in the way has been discussed in the old threads below:

What is the shortcut key to jump to the end of line?!



Your demo looks more like jump to next/previous sentence/paragraph, rather than jump to sentenese/paragraph start/end.

Jump to paragraph start/end can be done with builtin commands.

// to paragraph begin
    "keys": ["???"],
    "command": "chain",
    "args": {
        "commands": [
            ["expand_selection_to_paragraph", {"markup_aware": true}],
            ["move", {"by": "characters", "forward": false}],
// to paragraph end
    "keys": ["???"],
    "command": "chain",
    "args": {
        "commands": [
            ["expand_selection_to_paragraph", {"markup_aware": true}],
            ["move", {"by": "characters", "forward": true}],

To write a custom plugin, “sentence” sounds much more complicated since a dot doesn’t neccessarily mean the end of a sentence.



@jfcherng I’ve included the lines below in the keymap settings, but they apparently do nothing. I tried reopening ST too.

// to paragraph begin
    "keys": ["alt+right"],
    "command": "chain",
    "args": {
        "commands": [
            ["expand_selection_to_paragraph", {"markup_aware": true}],
            ["move", {"by": "characters", "forward": false}],

Also, it’s unclear how with only one hotkey I could move forward and backward.

And on the second thought, yes, all I need is just jumping between beginnings of paragraphs and sentences. Jumping between their ends isn’t necessary.



Not sure why it’s not working for you but I do test them and they worked. The only issue is that it can’t jump back to the “begin” of the paragraph after jump to the “end” of the paragraph.

I don’t think ST reads your mind, so just use two different keybindings.



I doubt this can be done without custom plugins. But maybe someone has created a plugin for this.

Didn’t try



Thanks! But this one is for ST2 and it’s not among Package Control options.

I’ve added both parts (jump to start and end) to the keymap: jump to end works, jump to start doesn’t, as you mentioned.



It looks like this author has partially solved the problem of moving sentence by sentence. See the section about pattern_navigate function:

I’ve tested the plugin in ST4 and it works. However it isn’t possible to select text sentence by sentence. Is there an easy way to do so?