Sublime Forum

Shortcuts not working in Windows (Toggle Comment & Unindent)


So I’m having the same problem as this guy.

The toggle comment (Ctrl + /) doesn’t work, also the unindent (Ctrl + ]) doesn’t work, which is kinda strange since the indent (Ctrl + ) works fine.

I have no plugins. This happens both at my notebook (Windows 8.1) and at my work’s notebook (Windows 7). Any idea on what it might be? Also, happens with both versions, Sublime 2 and Sublime 3. Please someone help me with this :cry: I know I can remap the keybindings, but I really don’t want to.

Also, this is not a ‘language syntax’ problem, since it works manually (Edit -> Comment -> Toggle Comment)


Correct identify keyboard layout
Many shortcuts fail on non-US keyboard

Sublime Text does not adjust to different keyboard locales correctly. I assume you are not using a US-English keyboard.

Check which key(-combo) ST sees by inserting sublime.log_input(True) in the console and then pressing keys. You will likely have to rebind the toggle_comment command.