Sublime Forum

Sequentially match the deepest scope in a color scheme


The standard scopes being used in the core requires meta scopes to stack, this is problematic if you try to give different colors for e.g. function/class punctuation, because in languages like javascript, you can declare a class inside a function and that would make the class having the meta.function scope too.

A simple example:

class MyClass {
  myMethod() {

The scopes for opening brace for that method is:


The proposed solution would be to have some sort of operator to match the scopes sequentially and from the bottom up, so that you could do something like:

Match the deepest element as punctuation.section
Directly preceded by meta.block
Directly preceded by meta.function

And in the case of classes:

Match the deepest element as punctuation.section
Directly preceded by meta.block
Directly preceded by meta.class

[RFC] Specific scopes for punctuations
[RFC] Specific scopes for punctuations

It looks like the current behavior for sublime scope scoring is actually a bug, and, if fixed would make the suggestion unnecessary.

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