Sublime Forum

Selection rendering broken on 3158+


Here’s a recording:

Looks like it only happens between the " characters in that string. A smaller piece of text that reproduces it is ('"foo" bar'). Here’s the scope at the cursor:

If you need any more information let me know :slight_smile:

/cc @ihodev (since this might have something to do with DA UI?)

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I just reproduced it on a clean install of Sublime 3160 by following these steps:

  1. Install Package Control
  2. Install: DA UI, DA CS and TypeScript
  3. Enable Adaptive Theme
  4. Paste the sample text (below) into a new buffer
  5. Set Syntax: TypeScript
  6. Start making selections

Keep in mind that I set "selection_border_color": "$accent_color" in DA UI: Color Scheme Settings" in order to see the border of the selection easier. Between steps 3 & 4.

It’s also worse when the following settings are present:

"font_face": "IBM Plex Mono",
"font_options": ["subpixel_antialias"],
"font_size": 16,
"highlight_line": true,

Here’s a gif of what I just reproduced. It seems almost worse here:

Sample text:

describe('GetStartEndpoint', () => {
  ('"foo" bar')
  test('"exec" method ...', async () => {


We refactored the implementation in build 3161. Can you check and see if you can still reproduce there?



Seems a little better, but there’s still some issues.

Here’s what I see in 3161:

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Thanks for following up - I’ll work on reproducing on my end!

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Interestingly it seems to be triggered by the font chosen. I was able to reproduce using Fira Code, but not Inconsolata or Menlo.



FWIW you can download IBM Plex Mono from here:



I’ve identified the issue, so it should be fixed in 3162



Is the issue you found the same as the one causing this? It seems as though when the selection passes a phantom (this is PackageDev) the rest of the line before or after it is not visually part of the selection; copying still works as expected, however.

I assume the answer is yes but I thought I’d throw this in just in case it might be another edge case. :smiley:



I’ve identified the issue, so it should be fixed in 3162

@wbond can confirm - it is indeed fixed in 3162! Thanks :tada: