[quote=“bizoo”]To be fair, JonasPf has announced something quite similar months ago:
And you’re right, I cannot live without since I tried it.[/quote]
It’s true JumpTo came out a couple of months before SelectUntil, but I assure you, we both came up with the idea independently. In fact the first time I heard of JumpTo was after I submit SelectUntil to the Sublime Package Control repo. Someone mentioned they forked JumpTo and added a couple ideas from SelectUtil. 
That said SelectUntil has a couple of additional features I’ve found very useful – search by regex or character count as well as reverse search. Select until also tries to be a usable as possible. For instance, an outline of the text that will be selected is shown while you’re typing your search term:
There’s also the fact that SelectUntil searches across multiple lines as adzenith mention (btw thanks for the shoutout!).
In anycase, I hope you all find SelectUntil useful. If you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let me know.