Sublime Forum

Select lines like Komod Edit


How to make the Sublime Text select lines as Komodo Edit? I will not be able to explain exactly how it works and what I would like that the Sublime Text also did, if anyone has used or uses the Komodo can test and see the behavior of this feature.

One of the things I have done has been in relation to the shortcut keys by default, the Sublime uses Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down, but as is well known, some video cards use these shortcuts too, this is not the problem, even my video card does not utilizase these shortcuts I let the Sublime Text with the same command that the Komodo, which is Shift + Alt + Up/Down.

Let’s look at the “problems”. First, when I’m selecting lines in the sublime, the scroll is not automatic, hen if I arrive at the end of editor I can not see what is being selected down (or up).

O segundo problema é quando estou selecionando linhas e entre elas há alguma linha em branco. Quando o cursor atinge a próxima linha com conteúdo ele “se perde”, ocorrem várias seleções na próxima linha com conteúdo, o comportamento é bem esquisito…

The third is not even a problem, but a suggestion: in Komodo Edit you can select lines even in a region where there is no content, and if I press the space key, for example, it starts to enter the content from there and fill with spaces to the left automatically. As I said, it’s hard to describe these items, would have to see happening directly in Komodo.

Anyway, all this is it possible to be done in Sublime Text also? I know we can say that the Sublime is the Sublime and the Komodo is the Komodo, but as I moved editor because I liked the Sublime obviously always will like to find most of the cool features we had in other editors. This is the “perfect world”.

And finally, sorry for grammar errors, I used the Google Translator… =]




This plugin can probably resolve this issue, or take a look at the proposed plugin:

Both are somewhat related and not available, see Virtual space
First one could be probably done with a plugin, don’t know if it’s already exists.
A plugin can help for the second, but I don’t think something really useful can be done with the current API, it must be implemented in ST core itself.



Hi @bizoo, thanks for answer… How can I “install” this plugin? I saved a file called inside user’s folder, but nothing happened… What is my mistake?



After saving the file as you do and maybe restarted ST, the viewport must scroll to always show the last selected line, either upper or lower, when going outside current viewport.

If it doesn’t works, please look at the console (with the relevant item in View menu) if there’s an error displayed.