Hi there,
I try to add a function has feature: When save file (ctrl+s) , the package “W3CValidators: Validate HTML5” will run. How can I do that?
Currently, I just ctrl+shift+P and then find W3CValidators: https://gyazo.com/a0db31460ba7f1e37a65949fc95dad02
Thank you!
Save file and run package
You will have to write a small plugin for it. The main idea being running the command that is responsible for W3CValidators: Validate HTML5
after saving the file (look at the boilerplate below)
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class ExampleListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_post_save_async(self, view):
# Run the command that is responsible for "W3CValidators: Validate HTML5"
# after the view is saved.
If you are unsure what the command is, just run sublime.log_commands(True)
in ST’s console, run that (W3CValidators: Validate HTML5
) once from the command palette and it should log the command for it.