Hi, the save_all command has no default key binding. “Save all” is such a common command that I surmise that the lack of default key binding is purposeful based on some philosophy (e.g. auto-save).
Is a philosophy behind this lack of default key binding for “save all” such that rather than complain about that, one would fare better to understand the reasoning behind no default key binding?
(If such a philosophy does exist, then what I would complain about is why the philosophy isn’t stated, knowing that many will wonder why such a common command has no default key binding ).
The answers that a “Save All” key binding in less needed, e.g. save by build, and that lack of available keys are helpful. (I’m accustomed to ctrl+shift+s for save all, but I see that others have had a different experience based on their usual editors).
Thank You Keith and B. Schaaf