It’s quite hard to build sublime plugins with today’s API. E.g., if I want to make use of the “move_to” “brackets” functionality, I need to do a run_command. So, Sublime has API for things like find_by_class and substr() which take a buffer position as an argument, while other great pieces of functionality like bracket matching need to be accessed via run_command. The problem with run_command, however, is that it operates on all the cursors at once, and sometimes you don’t want that behavior.
So I guess what I am hoping for (some day) is a set of great functionality which is “cursor” independent, which takes a cursor as an argument, and is callable from commands. And then the commands that we know and love today (find matching bracket) could just be implemented in terms of these useful APIs.
Future of Sublime
I find myself wondering what is the state of Sublime development. Years ago I gave TextMate a try and was basically burned by the complete lack of development while the author did TextMate 2. When I found Sublime just recently it just seemed magical, but now a few weeks into it I am getting suspicious that the engineers are checked out. Is there any indication at all that this is still a product undergoing development? De they ever respond to questions or is it always the community that does that? Do we know where sublime is heading and can we impact it in any way with suggestions?