Sublime Forum

Right-click context menu for the sidebar


I’m trying to create a right-click context menu for the sidebar that that allows me to open the file with the Finder (OS X). I have the following…

Side Bar.sublime-menu

 		"caption": "Open With Finder",
 		"command": "exec", "args": {
 			"cmd": [ "open", "FILE_PATH" ],
 			"shell": false,

If FILE_PATH is an absolute path to a file everything works great. My dilemma is how to I get the file path of the file in the sidebar that I right-clicked on?

The documentation mentions a files argument, but I have not idea how to use that in this context. Is this possible?




This is possible, but not the way that you’re trying to do it here. There’s no direct way to infer the file name (or folder name, or some combination thereof because you can select multiple items) that the command is being executed for unless you use a plugin or a command that already has special logic in it for this purpose.

There is undoubtedly a package in package control that does something like this; I think SideBarEnhancements does and there are probably others as well. The remainder of this presumes that you want to set this up yourself instead of going that route, or that you’re at least interested in knowing how you could do it.

For commands in the side bar context menu, when you add the entry to the menu you can add any or all of the arguments files, dirs and paths with values specified as an empty array.

When Sublime executes a command set up this way, it puts the names of all of the selected files in the files argument, all of the selected folders in the dirs argument, and both files and folders in the paths argument. You’re free to use any or all of those as needed. For example, you might want a command that only works on files, only on folders, or both.

You can’t do this directly with the exec command because that command doesn’t know what to do with an argument named files, so it will generate an error about that instead. That’s why you need a custom command of some sort to act as an intermediary and gather the file name, then give it to exec.

For something like that, you can try something like the following:

 		"caption": "Open With Finder",
 		"command": "open_in_finder", "args": {"files": []}
import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class OpenInFinderCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
	def run(self, files):
		self.window.run_command("exec", {
			"cmd": ["open", files[0]],
			"shell": False

	# Make command visible only when there is a single file
	def is_visible(self, files):
		return len(files) == 1

This implements an open_in_finder command with a menu entry that tells Sublime that you want to be told the names of all of the files that are currently selected in the side bar when the command triggers. The is_visible hides the command unless exactly one file is selected, and when the command runs it uses the exec command to open the file.

If you wanted to be able to open files OR folders in finder, you can replace files with paths in both the plugin and the menu entry, which will tell Sublime to provide the name of any selected entry regardless of type. Similarly you could replace it with dirs to have it only give you the name(s) of folders.

It’s also possible to use two or even all three of them at the same time, if you’re doing something that requires different actions for different things.

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Thanks! This is exactly what I need! One last question… where do I put the Python code?



Name first snippet as OpenInFinder.sublime-commands and second one as (do not include Command).

Put those files in your Sublime users directory e.g. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User (if you are using Windows) as described here.



To add to what @bantya said, a quick way to get a plugin into the correct location (regardless of platform) is to use Tools > Developer > New Plugin... from the menu, then replace the stub content with your plugin code. When you create a stub plugin using that command, Sublime defaults to saving in your User package.

You can also always find that location by using Preferences > Browse Packages.

Note also that the first snippet in my post above should be in Side Bar.sublime-menu, not OpenInFinder.sublime-commands, since it’s adding commands to the context menu in the side bar and not to the command palette.

The name of the plugin doesn’t matter so long as it’s a .py file.



Thanks, this works perfectly!

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