I am currently working on/forking a plugin for Sublime Text Editor 3, I have ported the plugin to 3 as it was originally for Sublime 2.
I am using the following code to set the output regex for file matching:
settings().set("result_file_regex", "^([^ ].*) \([0-9]+ match(?:es)?\)$")
settings().set("result_line_regex", "^ +([0-9]+): ")
When the new output window is created, and populated with file names, double clicking on the line or path results in an error in the console:
error std::exception in regex: ^([^ ].*) ([0-9]+ match(?:es)?)$
However, if I change the view tab to another document and then switch back to the result view, I am able to click on the paths and it works perfectly, why is this happening?
PS. I am using the following to print to the view:
run_command('insert', {'characters': output})