hi, i’m trying to build a plugin that edit all href in the current file, and replace them with base64 of them content.
But the plugin work only for the first href.
I really don’t know why, here is the code :
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
from base64 import b64encode
import re
class HrefToB64Command(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
# all the href in the file
hrefRegions = self.view.find_all('href="([^"]*)"')
# once we get all the regions
# we loop on them
for href in hrefRegions:
# the full text (href="...")
text = self.view.substr(href)
# the link in the text
link = re.match('href="([^"]*)"', text).group(1)
# the link base64 encoded
link = str(b64encode(bytes(link, 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')
# the final href encoded
finalHref = 'href="'+link+'"'
# the replace
self.view.replace(edit, href, finalHref)