I’ve been trying to make my own syntax file but i’ve seem to run into some kind of problem when it comes to nesting blocks and the color they have applied to them. Specifically they don’t seem to get the correct color if their scope is both the ‘deepest’ one and if it also exists further up in the chain.
This might either be due to me not having understood the syntax/behaviour correctly or it’s some kind of bug.
I’ve made a test syntax specifically for this, it only contains three words followed by brace blocks. It also has rules as to how the blocks can be inside each other, alpha <-> beta <-> charlie.
Here is a screenshot of the problem
The upper block chain is the correct colors for each block, ie. purple for ‘alpha’, blue for ‘beta’ and green for 'charlie.
Notice how the middle one starts with the correct colors for alpha and beta but then for the first repeat of alpha the color keeps on being blue (beta’s color) until reaching the charlie block.
The scope tooltip http://i.imgur.com/lpXxnUz.png indicates that the scopes are in the correct order however.
I’ve uploaded all the files i’ve used here
Am I missing something or is this some kind of erroneous behaviour?