Is it possible to remove all the light themed color schemes, like breakers, sixteen, or ones I installed? I have looked around /home/.config/sublime-text but haven’t found anything that alters the list in the preferences menu. I don’t use light themes so removing them would let me avoid any bright flashes when scrolling through color schemes. Any help is much appreciated.
Removing color schemes
You can override the plugin which provides the color scheme selection menu to ignore certain color schemes when populating the list. Install OverrideAudit from Package Control and create an override for Default/
and after the for f in sublime.find_resources('*.sublime-color-scheme'):
line, you could either do some magic to load the color scheme and determine if it is light or not, or just exclude them by name.
Per @kingkeith
Something like this will work. Then you create a setting called disllowed_color_schemes
in your preferences and populate it with a list of color schemes you don’t want to see
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