Sublime Forum

Remove underline from variable names


Hello and thanks for any help. I recently downloaded version 4152 and in doing so my text styling has changed so that (at least in python) all of my variables are blue and underlined rather than being the default plain white. I am using a custom color theme but the default syntax highlighting. Does anyone know how I might go about reverting the styling so that my variables are not underlined?

Here is a screenshot:

Thank you!



Qualified identifiers are now scoped meta.path according to ST’s scope naming guidelines (see:

It appears the color scheme in use, defines a rule to underline meta.path scoped tokens.

You can either open an issue at the color scheme’s repository or create a user defined override and customize related rules locally.



Thank you for the help. Once you pointed out the issue I was able to find the solution in the scheme’s repository Thank you again!