Sublime Forum

Remove the file full path on Sublime window name


Hello, I just started using Sublime and something’s been bothering me. The fact that Sublime uses full path for its window name. I don’t really like using fullscreen which hides this, I just want a test showing “Sublime Text”. Any ideas?



There are 3 related settings, but no.

	// Show the full path to files in the title bar. On Mac, this value is
	// overridden in the platform specific settings, with a default value of
	// false.
	"show_full_path": true,

	// Show the relative path to files in the title bar. This overrides
	// show_full_path for files that are listed in the side bar, however
	// show_full_path is still used for other files.
	"show_rel_path": false,

	// Show "project - file" or "file - project" in the title bar.
	"show_project_first": false,