Sublime Forum

Remove blank space after CSS style


I know this has been brought up before, but I don’t see an answer for Sublime Text 3. When you have a CSS file open and you write a style declaration you get something like so:

h2 {padding: 10px;}

Some Front-end developers (myself included) prefer our CSS declarations to not include the extra space after the colon, like this:

h2 {padding:10px;}

By default Sublime Text 3 adds a space after the colon. Does anyone know of a solution to modify this so it just creates the colon and leaves out the space? Any help would be much appreciated.



Not putting blank space after property in css

I’m not too sure that ST adds that space. Do you have Emmet installaed?

If yes, then there is this setting:

{ "preferences": { "css.valueSeparator": ":" } }



Thanks for the response. Yes, I do have Emmet installed and I have updated that preference. That does fix the issue with all the Emmet autocompletions, so thank you!

Do you know with a standard autocomplete like padding or margin that is not part of Emmet how to stop it from adding the space after the colon? Try typing “pad” and hitting tab in a CSS file and you’ll still get "padding: " with the space after the colon. Do you get the same results?

Thank you!



I hate having space after my CSS colons as well.

Updating Sublime Text 3 is similar to the way it was done in Sublime Text 2 with the exception of having to extract the CSS.sublime-package before you can amend it.

I’m guessing you have Package Control? Please follow the steps below:

  1. Install “Extract Sublime Package” from Package Control and set extract_sublime_package_ask_on_open preference to true.
  2. Go to your Sublime Text 3 installation directory and then the Packages folder. On Windows it’s in: C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages
  3. Open the CSS.sublime-package via Sublime Text 3, you should now get prompt to exctract it, click OK.
  4. Go to your Sublime Text 3 user directory, easiest is from ST3 menu: Preferences > Browse Packages
  5. Open “” inside the “CSS” folder (which is the extracted CSS package above)
  6. On line 190, there is this code: l.append((p, p + ": ")) … remove the space after the colon and save the file

… and you done! Happy CSSing without colon spaces. :sunglasses:



Do you know with a standard autocomplete like padding or margin that is not part of Emmet how to stop it from adding the space after the colon? Try typing “pad” and hitting tab in a CSS file and you’ll still get "padding: " with the space after the colon. Do you get the same results?[/quote]

I do, but don’t type ‘pad’, just type ‘p’ and press Enter. You’ll get ‘padding:|;’ (The | is just to show you where the cursor would be :])

Not sure if you’ve seen this, but here’s Emmet’s Cheat Sheet:

Since I like to have my CSS properties in a single line, I also have a setting that adds a space after my semicolons:

"css.propertyEnd": "; "

So my Emmet.sublime-settings file looks like this:

{ "preferences": { //Removes the space after the colon "css.valueSeparator": ":", //Adds a space after the semicolon "css.propertyEnd": "; " } }
Feel free to use the above code as you wish.