Sublime Forum

Remember open folders/files when closing/quitting



New MAC PC. I have followed the recommended settings in the Preferences: Settings file (as attached) but still Sublime won’t remember any open folders/files on closing the App (red dot) or quitting (right-click “Quit”). What am I missing? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, thank you!



If you want Sublime Text to reopen everything (including unsaved changes) you need to set "hot_exit": true, or simply remove it from your settings as that’s the default. Though if you don’t want to reopen unsaved changes the settings you already have will work. Note that on macOS you have to quit the application with the windows still open for them to be restored.



Thank you! I have actually reached exactly what you suggested after some further testing. Would be nice though if Sublime remembered open folders/files after just closing (not quit) the App on MAC…(like Notepad ++ on Windows).



That’s not how apps work on macOS, applications continue to run with no windows open. Can’t say I’m a fan of this either, but this is what’s supposed to happen on macOS.



Yep, newby here to MAC, figured things work a bit different :slight_smile:



remembered open folders/files after just closing (not quit) the App

This can be achieved by creating a sublime-project for each window, to give ST a place to store unsaved content to.

What I do [on Windows] is letting AutoProjects create a .sublime folder in each folder opened in ST with such sublime-project files in. Each time I re-open same directory, plugin automatically opens those project files again and restores unsaved changes.

The plugin teaches ST to handle folders like VSCode does, which I find very convinient. Never had to think about “closing Window vs. Closing App” nor being concerned about loosing changes or be annoyed by “Do you want to save” dialogs. Just hot_exit for every Window, regardless being the last one closed or not.