Sublime Forum

Quick Panel input font


Hello. I’m sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldn’t find an answer to this question.

Is it possible to change this font?

Thanks in advance.



Same question here, shameless bump.



All input fields use the font_face being set in the “Widget.sublime-settings” or “Widget - .sublime-settings”.

You can create an override in your user path and place a font_face, font_size there as you would do in the Preferences.sublime-settings.





Does declaring a font_face in user Widget.sublime-settings actually change the quick panel input font for anyone? For me it only affects the console font, as pictured above.



As the input field in the quick panel

  1. uses the same text_line_control class (in themes) as the console input control,
  2. a modified color_scheme setting in Widget.sublime-settings is applied and
  3. setting font.face attribute in a sublime-theme throws an error

I’d consider this behavior a bug, which might be worth to be added to

Looks like there is no chance to change that font at the moment.



i tried the way you told deathaxe but its not working for me



I believe this is current set to system, but due to the various ways in which is gets settings, etc, the system font current overrides other locations. See, the color scheme comes from the Widget settings, but those are used for find panels and other places you’d expect a monospace font. The results in the quick panel are defined by the theme, so the font is set there, and it feels weird when the input for the quick panel and results use drastically different fonts.

Most likely the best solution will be to allow the theme to set the font of the quick panel input, and that will override the default font_face from Widget, as opposed to hard-coding it to system.

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I think such an override might even be useful for all kinds of input/output controls, now that we can define variables in themes to let the user modify the font.face and the font.size of different parts of the GUI. It is possible to set a fixed font_face or font_size in the Widget.sublime-settings, but this is not easily accessible or too obvious for all users.

Not setting anyithing otherwise might lead to strange situations as shown in the screenshot below (I know it is an extremly exaggerated example). While all theme fonts stay fixed, the input fonts follow the font_size changes of the main editor control.

Exposing font settings via variables in the sublime-theme file seems to be a logical alternative to using the Widget - Theme Name.sublime-settings. If empty or no font.face or font.size are defined via theme, the current defaults from Widget or Preferences could be applied.

  "variables": {

    // Main Font Settings
    "font_face": "Roboto Sans",
    "font_size": 12,

    // Sidebar Font Settings
    "sidebar_font_face": "Roboto Sans",
    "sidebar_font_size": 11,

    // Input/Output Font Settings (Quick Panel, Find Panel, Input Panel, ...)
    "input_font_face": "Roboto Mono",
    "input_font_size": 12
  "rules": [

But to be honest: I am not sure whether it helps or even might cause more questions if too many places exist to do modifications.