Sublime Forum

[Question] Non Package Control tools for Sublime Text


1. Question

Is there a list of Sublime Text tools, by any reasons not implemented to Package Control? If no, can you say about tools, which you know?

It may be:

  • command line tools,
  • packages, whose authors by some reasons doesn’t add them to Package Control,
  • any another tools, that uses for Sublime Text.

2. Argumentation

If these tools are combined into a list, more likely that users will find out about them.

3. Examples

Tools, which I know:




Good question. I was wondering about Atom package Pigments. It shows the background of a color code in the coded color. For example, color: red or color: rgb(255,0,0) or color: #ff000 are all shown with red background and code text for the color highlight is automatically given complimentary color of colored background. Opacity settings that I use a lot (theming Sublime,etc), also display as coded (#ff000050, etc.). I have looked everywhere for a Sublime version, but not available, as in not created?

I would add to your request, that we see a trigger added to Sublime for developers: where we search for Pigments or whatever other known useful packages flagged by developers as work in progress but not ready for Sublime, then said developers get notice.

So when you and I search Control panel for “Pigments” we are not developers so all we see is a message: “Not available. Developer is considering adding this to Sublime. [contact link/bin]”. Developers can opt out/in.

Or: “Not available. Request in Sublime Forums [forum link]”.

In turn, Developer would get a developer notification showing anonymous user was looking for “Pigments”.

Microsoft Developers calls it active participation, I think. Now, say Sublime developed Pigments or any other package in this way, then not only developers, but users also need opt out/in (only one part of Microsoft development allows user opt out/in, for the remote user mainly statistical role. Perhaps an original open source linux forum plugin is required (please not sql, if you get my gist)).



That was derived from Color Highlighter.