Sublime Forum

Python Symbol List Displays :'s


Beginning with my upgrade to 3114, the symbol list for python files is finding the colon at the end of each function line as its own symbol. So i have i.e.:
def x
def y
def z

instead of
def x:
def y:
def z:

Does anyone know what causes this or how to fix?



And here’s a screenshot:



From working out my own syntax files for a config file format of mine just last night, I know that what shows up in the symbol list are specific scopes that are defined on a syntax by syntax basis. In fact, my first crack at it filled up the symbol list with double quotes, so this is kind of like deja vu.

The screen shot below is what I see for that code using the standard python support in ST3. Are you perhaps using some other package or something that might override the python syntax files that ship by default?

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