Sublime Forum

Python output shifted on screen


I have a strange issue that I cannot resolve. In the screenshot, when I build the python script, the output is shifted on the output screen. I also am running the SublimeREPL python package; it also is shifted off of the screen (I would post an image, but I can only attach one per post).

Any ideas as to why this is happening?

Sublime Text 3 Build 3126
MacOS Version 10.11.6



I guess it is caused by the third party theme you are using

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I had tried using the default theme with out any better results. I also tried changing the color theme as well.

The only thing I found that works is if I change the margin settings. I originally had “margin” set to -14, but when I change it back to 4, I can see the output. However, the output is still shifted, you can tell by the 100 line ruler.

Is this always the case for the output window? Is it always shifted like that?



That is because the output panel doesn’t show the gutter with line numbers.