Sublime Forum

Python-jinja2 package install problem


The python-jinja2 is in repo but unfortunately my computer cant access that website no how i can install python-jinja2 because it a dependency for many packages.

Main question

Is is there a way to install python-jinja2 package manually?

More info

Package Control: The dependency ‘python-jinja2’ is not currently installed; installing…
Package Control: Error downloading package. URL error [Errno 101] Network is unreachable downloading
error: Package Control

Unable to download python-jinja2. Please view the console for more details.
Package Control: The dependency ‘python-jinja2’ could not be installed or updated


Unable to install bitbucket libs - workaround now fails

The solution includes a “little” effort:

  1. Download latest jinja2 source package (Jinja2-2.9.6.tar.gz) from
  2. Open your Data/Packages path and create a folder called python-jinja2 and a subdir all
  3. Put the jinja2 folder from Jinja2-2.9.6.tar.gz into python-jinja2/all
    You’ll get a path like: C:\Apps\Sublime\Data\Packages\python-jinja2\all\jinja2 which contains all py files.
  4. Create a file .sublime-dependency in python-jinja2
  5. Open Sublime Text and call the command Package Control: Satisfy Local Dependencies

This should create a dependency-metadata.json in python-jinja2 and the package is available for import (maybe after restart).

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How can i do as follows
“Open Sublime Text and call the command *Package Control: Satisfy Local Dependencies”




I’d be careful with the approach of using the official repo of a package, and would instead suggest that one uses the Bitbucket dependency repo that Sublime is supposed to reference instead.

While using the latest, official repo release may be fine for Jinja2, some other Sublime dependencies on Bitbucket may not currently be upgraded to the latest, or may have had tweaks made to the source to help in run in the Sublime environment. And because of that, may introduce unexpected issues if you pull the very latest, official package.

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2 questions about deathaxe’s solution

  1. From Step 4, what is the contents of the .sublime-dependency file?

  2. (echoing chabinot) Step 5 instructs us to use “Package Control: Satisfy Local Dependencies”. There is a “Satisfy Dependencies” separate from a “Install Local Dependency” command. ANY USE OF THESE IN ANY ORDER DO NOT SEEM TO CREATE A dependency-metadata.json anywhere in the python-jinja2 directory.

Can anyone clarify or confirm? Thanks in advance!



OK - I was able to get this to work using deathaxe’s instructions. Answers to my questions:

  1. .sublime-dependency is an empty file
  2. I just ran "Satisfy Dependencies” AND “Install Local Dependency” a few times - opening and closing Sublime text between each run.

This whole issue started for me because I wanted to install Bracket Highlighter. The install had issues not only with “python-jinja2” but also “markupsafe”.

I used the downloads for both from this article here:

Hope it works for others.



I just replaced the dependencies hosted on bitbucket with github mirrors, so installing them should work again in about an hour once the crawler processed the changes.