Sublime Forum

Python completions and help


I realise there is already a plugin for Python completions (and other features) but that hasn’t stopped me developing my own simple version :wink: It’s at my Gist until I get round to a Repo.

It shouldn’t/doesn’t interfere with existing HTML and PHP completions. When not working with a Python file, it still shows the default/ file completions list.

At the moment I’ve only included standard Python functions. But, cleverly, if you’re working with the ST API it adds these methods as well. However, I’ve only added a few ST methods (set_clipboard, set_timeout, error_message and status_message) so far. If this is a useful aspect then I can extend this idea, such that adding a library will also add the library’s methods to the completions list :smiley:

If you still want to include the default file completions then comment out this line at the end of the file:


I’ve also been working on a help system ffor Python functions. Add a key-binding such as:

{ "keys": "shift+f1"], "command": "py_help" }

Click into a Python function (dir, eval, sum, etc.) and press the key-combination to display help text in the status bar. The text is paraphrased from the Python library.

Some of the help text is a little long (but helpful). It’s probably possible to change the status message delay. Personally, I just keep pressing the key-combo until I’ve read it all :smile:

I shall modify the completions so that they are global (or static). But, in the meantime I would appreciate any comments, suggestions (encouragement :wink: )



Actually, I’ve commented out


for the moment anyway as this expression is wrong.



I’ve revised the completions file to use global lists, so should be much more efficient. At Gist.

Just switch these comments around at the end of the file:

[code]return (completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS | sublime.INHIBIT_EXPLICIT_COMPLETIONS)

return completions[/code]

if you want to include the default file completions as well. Andy.



Python completions: Gist

I’ve added the ST-API methods and the completions are more useful/focussed now:

If using Python and not starting with a dot ‘.’ - it will list standard Python functions;
If importing ‘sublime’ and starting with a dot - it will list sublime .methods;
Otherwise - it will list the default file completions.


Added: The next step would be to add all the string, list, etc., methods. But, of course, being a dynamic language, it will not be possible to target when these are shown (other than being preceded by a dot).



Actually (continuing my own conversation :wink: ) I can cheat, he, he. I can follow a dot with a single letter, such as ‘.s’, and it can (dynamically) add all the string methods to the completions list. t = tuple, i = int, f = float, l = list, d = dict, c = complex.

But I’m undecided at the moment… Andy.



Still no feedback, but I don’t care :smiley:. Update is here/Gist.

I’ve added (most of) the Python methods (for list, string, dict, file, etc.). The ST-API completions are also more helpful, as their description indicates the object-type it applies to (View, Window, etc.).

Basically, if you’re in a Python file and type a dot ‘.’ (and invoke auto-complete) it will list Python members - islower(), pop(), etc… Without a dot, it will list Python functions. But if you’ve imported ‘sublime’ or ‘sublime_plugin’, then following a dot it will also include ST-API methods in the completions list. If you’re not in a Python file then the *normal *completions will still appear. Note: square brackets around parameters indicate that they are optional.]

Further work:

I’m considering using ‘on_pre’ or ‘on_post_save’ to make it more efficient. If you’re not using the ST-API then it’s efficient already, as the existing global completions are just re-used each time; that is, they are **not **rebuilt every time the completions are invoked. However, if using the ST-API, then the completions list is copied/re-built each time. By using a save event, I could examine the current Python file and look for ‘import sublime’ (or any other standard library!). Then I could add the library methods to the completions list and store it as an instance variable (for that view). Looking forward, I like the idea that importing a library will then add these library methods to the completions list :smiley:. [It might even be possible (longer term) to refactor the library to automatically add completions, whe’hay!]

I haven’t updated my ‘’ file to include Python methods, but I might do this :wink:. I suppose there could also be two help files - then use Shift-F1 for Python help, and Ctrl-F1 for library help??

PS: My only slight concern about the completions (as they stand) is that there may be a few Python functions will also double as methods (len()?) - but they won’t currently appear following a dot. The Python reference material is a little unclear on this. Andy.



Amazing the inspiration that comes when you jump in the bath :laughing:. I don’t need to use on_post_save. If I do this, and save a completions list per view, then I’ll end up hogging memory!

All I need to do is have **three **(global) versions of the completions-list, and just use the version that applies for the current context!

I could make the completion-lists class attributes (rather than globals), or import them from a separate file. Is there any advantage in doing either of these please?


Added: Yes, more efficient now in this Gist.



mhh i don’t know nor use python but everytime someone wants to improve this fantastic text editor, it’s awesome



I’m considering this (quite) interesting piece of code:

if prefix.upper() == 'ST': edit = view.begin_edit() view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(locations[0], locations[0]-len(prefix))) view.end_edit(edit) completions = subl_methods else: completions = sublime_methods_all

When you type ‘’ and invoke auto-complete, it removes the letters ‘st’ and just displays (all) ST-API methods. This idea could possibly be extended to things like ‘list’, ‘str’ methods - or, perhaps more useful, to just list library methods. Not sure of the efficacy of this - given fuzzy matching anyway - but it could prove useful?!

That is, even though Python is a dynamic language, we could persuade the auto-completion to be (almost…) context sensitive :smile:. Further, entering ‘something.1’ and invoking autocomplete to list members from the *first *library that you’ve attached(?).



When someone saves a Python file, I can check for ‘import somelibrary’, and use features such as dict and class, vars(), etc., to to build a completions list based on members from the library. I think it will be possible to distinguish between methods and attributes, and so add brackets () if appropriate.

But, if anyone’s done something similar before :question: will it be possible for me to discover the number and names of method parameters? If so, I could dynamically create snippets that include the correct parameters (fields) for each method :wink:

If the libraries contain (doctype) descriptions it may even be possible for me to extract descriptions for the parameters :question: and (perhaps…) show this help text in the status bar, as the user completes the snippet.

So I welcome any pointers from anyone who might have attempted something similar. Andy.



… in the meantime, the following will be a very useful addition to my help file ( - when I update my Gist tomorrow:

class PyHelpCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): py_types = ('complex', 'dict', 'file', 'float', 'int', 'list', 'long', 'memoryview', 'set', 'str', 'tuple', 'unicode') def run(self, edit): curr_view = self.view if not curr_view.match_selector(0, 'source.python'): return sel = curr_view.sel()[0] pt = sel.end() word_r = curr_view.word(pt) word = curr_view.substr(word_r).lower() if word is None or len(word) <= 1: sublime.status_message('No word selected') return help_text = help.get(word) if help_text is None: for obj in PyHelpCommand.py_types: try: help_text = eval(obj + '.' + word).__doc__ if help_text is not None: break except: pass else: help_text = 'No help available' sublime.status_message(help_text)
It’s kinda cool :smiley:. Click into a word (Python method or attribute) and press your keyboard combination - perhaps Shift-F1. It will find its doc help text and display it in the status bar. It’s cool because I don’t have to create the help text myself, and it will work according to the current version of Python that you are using. Andy.



I’ve revised and re-posted my Python Completions file below.

  1. It lists Python functions and methods (after a dot)
  2. It will include the usual/file completions, but only for terms of more the 3 characters - I find this very useful :wink:; they are marked as ‘Default’ in the completions list
  3. If working with the ST-API it will also include these methods (after a dot)
  4. If you want to only display ST-API completions, you can type ‘’ then press Ctrl-Space to display the list. You may have to press Escape to first dismiss the currently displayed completions.

Personally, I increased the auto-complete delay so that the list doesn’t appear too quickly.

I should update my Gist for this when I get round to it :smile:

[code]import sublime, sublime_plugin

py_funcs =
(“import()\t__import__ fn”,
import(${1:name}${2:, globals, locals, fromlist, level]})$0”),
(“abs()\tabs fn”, “abs(${1:number})$0”),
(“all()\tall fn”, “all(${1:iterable})$0”),
(“any()\tany fn”, “any(${1:iterable})$0”),
(“bin()\tbin fn”, “bin(${1:integer})$0”),
(“bool()\tbool fn”, “bool(${1:[value]})$0”),
(“bytearray()\tbytearray fn”,
“bytearray(${1:${2:source}${3:, encoding]}${4:, errors]}})$0”),
(“callable()\tcallable fn”, “callable(${1:object})$0”),
(“chr()\tchr fn”, “chr(${1:integer})$0”),
(“classmethod()\tclassmethod fn”, “classmethod(${1:function})$0”),
(“cmp()\tcmp fn”, “cmp(${1:x}, ${2:y})$0”),
(“compile()\tcompile fn”,
“compile(${1:source}, ${2:filename}, ${3:mode}${4:, flags]}${5:, dont_inherit]})$0”),
(“complex()\tcomplex fn”, “complex(${1:real}${2:, imag]})$0”),
(“delattr()\tdelattr fn”, “delattr(${1:object}, ${2:name})$0”),
(“dict()\tdict fn/ctor”, “dict(${1:arg})$0”),
(“dir()\tdir fn”, “dir(${1:[object]})$0”),
(“divmod()\tdivmod fn”, “divmod(${1:a}, ${2:b})$0”),
(“enumerate()\tenumerate fn”, “enumerate(${1:sequence}${2:, start]})$0”),
(“eval()\teval fn”, “eval(${1:expression}${2:, globals]}${3:, locals]})$0”),
(“execfile()\texecfile fn”, “execfile(${1:filename}${2:, globals]}${3:, locals]})$0”),
(“file()\tfile fn”, “file(${1:filename}${2:, mode]}${3:, bufsize]})$0”),
(“filter()\tfilter fn”, “filter(${1:function}, ${2:iterable})$0”),
(“float()\tfloat fn/ctor”, “float(${1:[x]})$0”),
(“format()\tformat fn”, “format(${1:value}${2:, format_spec]})$0”),
(“frozenset()\tfrozenset fn/ctor”, “frozenset(${1:[iterable]})$0”),
(“getattr()\tgetattr fn”, “getattr(${1:object}, ${2:name}${3:, default]})$0”),
(“globals()\tglobals fn”, “globals()$0”),
(“hasattr()\thasattr fn”, “hasattr(${1:object}, ${2:name})$0”),
(“hash()\thash fn”, “hash(${1:object})$0”),
(“help()\thelp fn”, “help(${1:[object]})$0”),
(“hex()\thex fn”, “hex(${1:x})$0”),
(“id()\tid fn”, “id(${1:object})$0”),
(“input()\tinput fn”, “input(${1:[prompt]})$0”),
(“int()\tint fn/ctor”, “int(${1:x}${2:, base]})$0”),
(“isinstance()\tisinstance fn”, “isinstance(${1:object}, ${2:classinfo})$0”),
(“issubclass()\tissubclass fn”, “issubclass(${1:class}, ${2:classinfo})$0”),
(“iter()\titer fn”, “iter(${1:o}${2:, sentinel]})$0”),
(“len()\tlen fn”, “len(${1:object})$0”),
(“list()\tlist fn/ctor”, “list(${1:[iterable]})$0”),
(“locals()\tlocals fn”, “locals()$0”),
(“long()\tlong fn/ctor”, “long(${1:x}${2:, base]})$0”),
(“map()\tmap fn”, “map(${1:function}${2:, iterables]})$0”),
(“max()\tmax fn”, “max(${1:iterable}${2:, args]}${3:, key]})$0”),
(“memoryview()\tmemoryview fn”, “memoryview(${1:object})$0”),
(“min()\tmin fn”, “min(${1:iterable}${2:, args]}${3:, key]})$0”),
(“next()\tnext fn”, “next(${1:iterator}${2:, default]})$0”),
(“object()\tobject fn”, “object()$0”),
(“oct()\toct fn”, “oct(${1:integer})$0”),
(“open()\topen fn”, “open(${1:filename}${2:, mode]}${3:, bufsize]})$0”),
(“ord()\tord fn”, “ord(${1:char})$0”),
(“pow()\tpow fn”, “pow(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, modulo]})$0”),
(“print()\tprint fn”,
“print(${1:[object, …], sep=’ ‘], end=’\n’], file=sys.stdout]})$0”),
(“property()\tproperty fn”, “property(${1:[fget[, fset[, fdel[, doc]]]]})$0”),
(“range()\trange fn”, “range(${1:[start, ]}${2:stop}${3:, step]})$0”),
(“raw_input()\traw_input fn”, “raw_input(${1:[prompt]})$0”),
(“reduce()\treduce fn”, “reduce(${1:function}, ${2:iterable}${3:, initializer]})$0”),
(“reload()\treload fn”, “reload(${1:module})$0”),
(“repr()\trepr fn”, “repr(${1:object})$0”),
(“reversed()\treversed fn”, “reversed(${1:seq})$0”),
(“round()\tround fn”, “round(${1:float}${2:, digits]})$0”),
(“set()\tset fn/ctor”, “set(${1:[iterable]})$0”),
(“setattr()\tsetattr fn”, “setattr(${1:object}, ${2:name}, ${3:value})$0”),
(“slice()\tslice fn”, “slice(${1:[start, ]}${2:stop}${3:, step]})$0”),
(“sorted()\tsorted fn”,
“sorted(${1:iterable}${2:${3:, cmp]}${4:, key]}${5:, reverse]}})$0”),
(“staticmethod()\tstaticmethod fn”, “staticmethod(${1:function})$0”),
(“str()\tString fn”, “str(${1:object})$0”),
(“sum()\tsum fn”, “sum(${1:iterable}${2:, start]})$0”),
(“super()\tsuper fn”, “super(${1:type}${2:, object/type]})$0”),
(“tuple()\ttuple fn/ctor”, “tuple(${1:[iterable]})$0”),
(“type()\ttype fn”, “type(${1:object})$0”),
(“type()\ttype ctor”, “type(${1:name}, ${2:bases}, ${3:dict})$0”),
(“unichr()\tunichr fn”, “unichr(${1:[integer]})$0”),
(“unicode()\tunicode fn”, “unicode(${1:[object, ]}${2:encoding}${3:, errors]})$0”),
(“vars()\tvars fn”, “vars(${1:[object]})$0”),
(“xrange()\txrange fn”, “xrange(${1:[start, ]}${2:stop}${3:, step]})$0”),
(“zip()\tzip fn”, “zip(${1:iterable})$0”)

py_members = # methods and attributes
(“add()\tset”, “add(${1:elem})$0”),
(“append()\tMutable”, “append(${1:x})$0”),
(“as_integer_ratio()\tfloat”, “as_integer_ratio()$0”),
(“bit_length() 3.1\tint/long”, “bit_length()$0”),
(“capitalize()\tstring”, “capitalize()$0”),
(“center()\tstring”, “center(${1:width}${2:, fillchar]})$0”),
(“clear()\tset/dict”, “clear()$0”),
(“close()\tfile”, “close()$0”),
(“closed\tfile”, “closed$0”),
(“conjugate()\tcomplex”, “conjugate()$0”),
(“copy()\tSet/dict”, “copy()$0”),
(“count()\tSequence”, “count(${1:value})$0”),
(“count()\tstring”, “count(${1:substr}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“decode()\tstring”, “decode(${1:[encoding]}${2:, errors]})$0”),
(“difference()\tSet”, “difference(${1:other,…})$0”),
(“difference_update()\tset”, “difference_update(${1:other,…})$0”),
(“discard()\tset”, “discard(${1:elem})$0”),
(“encode()\tstring”, “encode(${1:[encoding]}${2:, errors]})$0”),
(“encoding\tfile”, “encoding$0”),
(“endswith()\tstring”, “endswith(${1:suffix}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“errors\tfile”, “errors$0”),
(“expandtabs()\tstring”, “expandtabs(${1:[tabsize]})$0”),
(“extend()\tMutable”, “extend(${1:x})$0”),
(“fileno()\tfile”, “fileno()$0”),
(“find()\tstring”, “find(${1:substr}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“flush()\tfile”, “flush()$0”),
(“format()\tstring”, “format(${1:args}, ${2:**kwargs})$0"),
(“format\tmemoryview”, “format$0”),
(“fromhex()\tfloat”, “fromhex(${1:string})$0”),
(“fromkeys()\tDict”, “fromkeys(${1:seq}${2:, value]})$0”),
(“get()\tdict”, “get(${1:key}${2:, default]})$0”),
(“has_key()\tdict”, “has_key(${1:key})$0”),
(“hex()\tfloat”, “hex()$0”),
(“index()\tSequence”, “index(${1:value}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“insert()\tMutable”, “insert(${1:i}, ${2:x})$0”),
(“intersection()\tSet”, “intersection(${1:other,…})$0”),
(“intersection_update()\tset”, “intersection_update(${1:other,…})$0”),
(“is_integer()\tfloat”, “is_integer()$0”),
(“isalnum()\tstring”, “isalnum()$0”),
(“isalpha()\tstring”, “isalpha()$0”),
(“isatty()\tfile”, “isatty()$0”),
(“isdecimal()\tunicode”, “isdecimal()$0”),
(“isdigit()\tstring”, “isdigit()$0”),
(“isdisjoint()\tSet”, “isdisjoint(${1:other})$0”),
(“islower()\tstring”, “islower()$0”),
(“isnumeric()\tunicode”, “isnumeric()$0”),
(“isspace()\tstring”, “isspace()$0”),
(“issubset()\tSet”, “issubset(${1:other})$0”),
(“issuperset()\tSet”, “issuperset(${1:other})$0”),
(“istitle()\tstring”, “istitle()$0”),
(“isupper()\tstring”, “isupper()$0”),
(“items()\tdict”, “items()$0”),
(“itemsize\tmemoryview”, “itemsize$0”),
(“iteritems()\tdict”, “iteritems()$0”),
(“iterkeys()\tdict”, “iterkeys()$0”),
(“itervalues()\tdict”, “itervalues()$0”),
(“join()\tstring”, “join(${1:iterable})$0”),
(“keys()\tdict”, “keys()$0”),
(“ljust()\tstring”, “ljust(${1:width}${2:, fillchar]})$0”),
(“lower()\tstring”, “lower()$0”),
(“lstrip()\tstring”, “lstrip(${1:[chars]})$0”),
(“mode\tfile”, “mode$0”),
(“name\tfile”, “name$0”),
(“ndim\tmemoryview”, “ndim$0”),
(“newlines\tfile”, “newlines$0”),
(“next()\tfile”, “next()$0”),
(“partition()\tstring”, “partition(${1:sep})$0”),
(“pop()\tdict”, “pop(${:key}${2:, default]})$0”),
(“pop()\tMutable”, "pop(${1:
(“pop()\tset”, “pop()$0”),
(“popitem()\tdict”, “popitem()$0”),
(“read()\tfile”, “read(${1:[size=]})$0”),
(“readline()\tfile”, “readline(${1:[size=]})$0”),
(“readlines()\tfile”, “readlines(${1:[sizehint]})$0”),
(“readonly\tmemoryview”, “readonly$0”),
(“remove()\tMutable”, “remove(${1:x})$0”),
(“remove()\tset”, “remove(${1:elem})$0”),
(“replace()\tstring”, “replace(${1:old}, ${2:new}${3:, count]})$0”),
(“reverse()\tMutable”, “reverse()$0”),
(“rfind()\tstring”, “rfind(${1:substr}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“rindex()\tstring”, “rindex(${1:substr}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“rjust()\tstring”, “rjust(${1:width}${2:, fillchar]})$0”),
(“rpartition()\tstring”, “rpartition(${1:sep})$0”),
(“rsplit()\tstring”, “rsplit(${1:[sep]}${2:, maxsplit]})$0”),
(“rstrip()\tstring”, “rstrip(${1:[chars]})$0”),
(“seek()\tfile”, “seek(${1:offset}${2:, whence]})$0”),
(“setdefault()\tdict”, “setdefault(${:key}${2:, default]})$0”),
(“shape\tmemoryview”, “shape$0”),
(“softspace\tfile”, “softspace$0”),
(“sort()\tMutable”, “sort(${1:[cmp]}${2:, key]}${3:, reverse]})$0”),
(“split()\tstring”, “split(${1:[sep]}${2:, maxsplit]})$0”),
(“splitlines()\tstring”, “splitlines(${1:[keepends]})$0”),
(“startswith()\tstring”, “startswith(${1:prefix}${2:, start]}${3:, end]})$0”),
(“strides\tmemoryview”, “strides$0”),
(“strip()\tstring”, “strip(${1:[chars]})$0”),
(“swapcase()\tstring”, “swapcase()$0”),
(“symmetric_difference()\tSet”, “symmetric_difference(${1:other})$0”),
(“symmetric_difference_update()\tset”, “symmetric_difference_update(${1:other})$0”),
(“tell()\tfile”, “tell()$0”),
(“title()\tstring”, “title()$0”),
(“tobytes()\tmemoryview”, “tobytes()$0”),
(“tolist()\tmemoryview”, “tolist()$0”),
(“translate()\tstring”, “translate(${1:table}${2:, deletechars]})$0”),
(“truncate()\tfile”, “truncate(${1:[size=]})$0”),
(“union()\tSet”, “union(${1:other,…})$0”),
(“update()\tdict/set”, “update(${1:other,…})$0”),
(“upper()\tstring”, “upper()$0”),
(“values()\tdict”, “values()$0”),
(“viewitems()\tdict”, “viewitems()$0”),
(“viewkeys()\tdict”, “viewkeys()$0”),
(“viewvalues()\tdict”, “viewvalues()$0”),
(“write()\tfile”, “write(${1:str})$0”),
(“writelines()\tfile”, “writelines(${1:sequence})$0”),
(“zfill()\tstring”, “zfill(${1:width})$0”)

subl_methods =
(“active_group()\tST Window”, “active_group()$0”),
(“active_view()\tST Window”, “active_view()$0”),
(“active_view_in_group()\tST Window”, “active_view_in_group(${1:group})$0”),
(“active_window()\tsublime”, “active_window()$0”),
(“add()\tST RegionSet”, “add(${1:region})$0”),
(“add_all()\tST RegionSet”, “add_all(${1:region_set})$0”),
(“add_on_change()\tST Settings”, “add_on_change(${1:key}, ${2:on_change})$0”),
(“add_regions()\tST View”,
“add_regions(${1:key}${2:, regions]}, ${3:scope}${4:, icon]}${5:, flags]})$0”),
(“arch()\tsublime”, “arch()$0”),
(“begin()\tST Region”, “begin()$0”),
(“begin_edit()\tST View”, “begin_edit(${1:[command]}${2:, args]})$0”),
(“buffer_id()\tST View”, “buffer_id()$0”),
(“clear_on_change()\tST Settings”, “clear_on_change(${1:key})$0”),
(“command_history()\tST View”, “command_history(${1:[index]}${2:, modifying_only]})$0”),
(“contains()\tST Region/Set”, “contains(${1:region/pt})$0”),
(“cover()\tST Region”, “cover(${1:region})$0”),
(“em_width()\tST View”, “em_width()$0”),
(“empty()\tST Region”, “empty()$0”),
(“encoding()\tST View”, “encoding()$0”),
(“end()\tST Region”, “end()$0”),
(“end_edit()\tST View”, “end_edit(${1:edit})$0”),
(“erase()\tST Settings”, “erase(${1:name})$0”),
(“erase()\tST View”, “erase(${1:edit}, ${2:region})$0”),
(“erase_regions()\tST View”, “erase_regions(${1:key})$0”),
(“erase_status()\tST View”, “erase_status(${1:key})$0”),
(“error_message()\tsublime”, “error_message(${1:string})$0”),
(“extract_completions()\tST View”, “extract_completions(${1:prefix})$0”),
(“extract_scope()\tST View”, “extract_scope(${1:point})$0”),
(“file_name()\tST View”, “file_name()$0”),
(“find()\tST View”, “find(${1:pattern}, ${2:fromPosition}${3:, flags]})$0”),
(“find_all()\tST View”,
“find_all(${1:pattern}${2:, flags]}${3:, format]}${4:, extractions]})$0”),
(“focus_group()\tST Window”, “focus_group(${1:group})$0”),
(“focus_view()\tST Window”, “focus_view(${1:view})$0”),
(“fold()\tST View”, “fold(${1:region(s)})$0”),
(“folders()\tST Window”, “folders()$0”),
(“full_line()\tST View”, “full_line(${1:region/pt})$0”),
(“find_by_selector()\tST View”, “find_by_selector(${1:selector})$0”),
(“get()\tST Settings”, “get(${1:name}${2:, default]})$0”),
(“get_clipboard()\tsublime”, “get_clipboard()$0”),
(“get_output_panel()\tST Window”, “get_output_panel(${1:name})$0”),
(“get_regions()\tST View”, “get_regions(${1:key})$0”),
(“get_status()\tST View”, “get_status(${1:key})$0”),
(“get_view_index()\tST Window”, “get_view_index(${1:view})$0”),
(“has()\tST Settings”, “has(${1:name})$0”),
(“id()\tST View/Window”, “id()$0”),
(“insert()\tST View”, “insert(${1:edit}, ${2:point}, ${3:string})$0”),
(“installed_packages_path()\tsublime”, “installed_packages_path()$0”),
(“intersection()\tST Region”, “intersection(${1:region})$0”),
(“intersects()\tST Region”, “intersects(${1:region})$0”),
(“is_dirty()\tST View”, “is_dirty()$0”),
(“is_loading()\tST View”, “is_loading()$0”),
(“is_read_only()\tST View”, “is_read_only()$0”),
(“is_scratch()\tST View”, “is_scratch()$0”),
(“layout_extent()\tST View”, “layout_extent()$0”),
(“layout_to_text()\tST View”, “layout_to_text(${1:vector})$0”),
(“line()\tST View”, “line(${1:region/pt})$0”),
(“line_endings()\tST View”, “line_endings()$0”),
(“line_height()\tST View”, “line_height()$0”),
(“lines()\tST View”, “lines(${1:region})$0”),
(“load_settings()\tsublime”, “load_settings(${1:base_name})$0”),
(“log_commands()\tsublime”, “log_commands(${1:flag})$0”),
(“log_input()\tsublime”, “log_input(${1:flag})$0”),
(“match_selector()\tST View”, “match_selector(${1:pt}, ${2:scope_string})$0”),
(“message_dialog()\tsublime”, “message_dialog(${1:string})$0”),
(“name()\tST View”, “name()$0”),
(“new_file()\tST Window”, “new_file()$0”),
(“num_groups()\tST Window”, “num_groups()$0”),
(“ok_cancel_dialog()\tsublime”, “ok_cancel_dialog(${1:string}${2:, ok_button]})$0”),
(“open_file()\tST Window”, “open_file(${1:file_name}${2:, flags]})$0”),
(“packages_path()\tsublime”, “packages_path()$0”),
(“platform()\tsublime”, “platform()$0”),
(“Region()\tsublime”, “Region(${1:a}, ${2:b})$0”),
(“replace()\tST View”, “replace(${1:edit}, ${2:region}, ${3:string})$0”),
(“rowcol()\tST View”, “rowcol(${1:point})$0”),
(“run_command()\tsublime/View/Window”, “run_command(${1:string}${2:, args]})$0”),
(“save_settings()\tsublime”, “save_settings(${1:base_name})$0”),
(“scope_name()\tST View”, “scope_name(${1:point})$0”),
(“score_selector()\tST View/Window”, “score_selector(${1:scope/pt}, ${2:selector})$0”),
(“sel()\tST View”, “sel()$0”),
(“set()\tST Settings”, “set(${1:name}, ${2:value})$0”),
(“set_clipboard()\tsublime”, “set_clipboard(${1:string})$0”),
(“set_encoding()\tST View”, “set_encoding(${1:encoding})$0”),
(“set_line_endings()\tST View”, “set_line_endings(${1:line_endings})$0”),
(“set_name()\tST View”, “set_name(${1:name})$0”),
(“set_read_only()\tST View”, “set_read_only(${1:value})$0”),
(“set_scratch()\tST View”, “set_scratch(${1:value})$0”),
(“set_status()\tST View”, “set_status(${1:key}, ${2:value})$0”),
(“set_syntax_file()\tST View”, “set_syntax_file(${1:syntax_file})$0”),
(“set_timeout()\tsublime”, “set_timeout(${1:callback}, ${2:delay})$0”),
(“set_view_index()\tST Window”, “set_view_index(${1:view}, ${2:group}, ${3:index})$0”),
(“settings()\tST View”, “settings()$0”),
(“set_viewport_position()\tST View”, “set_viewport_position(${1:vector}${2:, animate]})$0”),
(“show()\tST View”, “show(${1:region/pt}${2:, show_surrounds]})$0”),
(“show_at_center()\tST View”, “show_at_center(${1:region/pt})$0”),
(“show_input_panel()\tST Window”,
“show_input_panel(${1:caption}, ${2:initial_text}, ${3:on_done}, ${4:on_change}, ${5:on_cancel})$0”),
(“show_quick_panel()\tST Window”,
“show_quick_panel(${1:items}, ${2:on_done}${3:, flags]})$0”),
(“size()\tST Region/View”, “size()$0”),
(“split_by_newlines()\tST View”, “split_by_newlines(${1:region})$0”),
(“status_message()\tsublime”, “status_message(${1:string})$0”),
(“substr()\tST View”, “substr(${1:region/pt})$0”),
(“subtract()\tST RegionSet”, “subtract(${1:region})$0”),
(“text_point()\tST View”, “text_point(${1:row}, ${2:col})$0”),
(“text_to_layout()\tST View”, “text_to_layout(${1:point})$0”),
(“unfold()\tST View”, “unfold(${1:region(s)})$0”),
(“version()\tsublime”, “version()$0”),
(“viewport_extent()\tST View”, “viewport_extent()$0”),
(“viewport_position()\tST View”, “viewport_position()$0”),
(“views()\tST Window”, “views()$0”),
(“views_in_group()\tST Window”, “views_in_group(${1:group})$0”),
(“visible_region()\tST View”, “visible_region()$0”),
(“window()\tST View”, “window()$0”),
(“windows()\tsublime”, “windows()$0”),
(“word()\tST View”, “word(${1:region/pt})$0”)

sublime_methods_all = list(py_members)

class PythonCompletions(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
global py_funcs, py_members, subl_methods, subl_methods_all
if not view.match_selector(locations[0], ‘source.python -string -comment -constant’):
return ]
completions = ]
pt = locations[0] - len(prefix) - 1
ch = view.substr(sublime.Region(pt, pt + 1)) # the character before the trigger
is_dot = (ch == ‘.’)
if is_dot: completions = py_members
if not is_dot: completions = py_funcs
if view.find("(?:from|import)\s+sublime", 0) is not None and is_dot:
if prefix.upper() == ‘ST’: # just show Sublime methods
edit = view.begin_edit()
view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(locations[0], locations[0]-len(prefix)))
return (subl_methods, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS |
completions = sublime_methods_all # include Python methods/attributes
compl_default = [view.extract_completions(prefix)]
compl_default = (item + “\tDefault”, item) for sublist in compl_default
for item in sublist if len(item) > 3] # flatten
compl_default = list(set(compl_default)) # make unique
compl_full = list(completions)
return (compl_full, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS |



Might be a stupid question, but what should I do with the file? Incredibly curious at this, since I feel like the python auto-complete was lacking somewhat.



You can just save the completions file in your User folder. It could be saved in the Python folder, but it’s generally better to keep additional files that you add in your User folder.



Love this file!!

And I cloned your github repo … how do we use the language folder / help stuff?



[quote=“monkmartinez”]Love this file!!

And I cloned your github repo … how do we use the language folder / help stuff?[/quote]

Copy the two help .py files into your User folder or any other folder in your Packages area. I copied the three help .chm files to C:\Windows\Help on my Windows computer. (I don’t know about Macs or other OSes(?), but I don’t think they use .chm files anyway.) If you save the .chm files to another location then you’ll need to modify so that it refers to the alternative location(s).

Then choose Preferences, Key-Bindings User, and add a key-binding (or two) such as the following:

{ "keys": "ctrl+f1"], "command": "language_help" }, { "keys": "shift+f1"], "command": "py_help" }
I just use the first one as it will produce help for Python anyway (and PHP, JavaScript, jQuery).

The following is copied from the beginning of the file:

[code]# Will open a .chm help file for the function under the cursor (Windows only). The same

key-binding can be used (currently for PHP, JavaScript and jQuery) because the command

will determine the current syntax.

Only for standard functions (currently) - not classes/methods, etc.

You will need to obtain/download a .chm for each language and modify the path in the

code that follows.

{ “keys”: “ctrl+f1”], “command”: “language_help” },

The file hh.exe (or a more recent alternative) needs to be available on your Windows


Requires the file ‘’ for Python help - which doesn’t use a .chm and displays

in an output panel. (Edit this file as indicated if this file is not available or required).

“”“hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:C:\Windows\Help\php_enhanced_en.chm::/res/function.%(func)s.html”""
“”“hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:C:\Windows\Help\javascript.chm::/jsref_%(func)s.htm”""
jQuery_HELP =
“”“hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:C:\Windows\Help\jQuery-UI-Reference-1.7.chm::/api/%(func)s.htm”""[/code]

I did examine the help files for other languages (Perl, Ruby, etc.) but none of them were in a suitable format unfortunately. Andy.



PS You’ll need a jQuery syntax file for the jQuery help to be triggered - there is one available via Package Control.

Or my (slightly?) modified version is attached. Edited: Actually, it’s the same file as the one on Package Control :sunglasses: (2.85 KB)