There are several packages out in the wild, which support code intelligence for python. You can find them at
- Anaconda
- LSP (needs python and python-language-server)
- Python - Autocompletion
Anaconda tries to provide a full featured python IDE, but I personally find it too slow and jerky with lots of flickering during auto-completion. Not fluent to work with.
I currently use LSP which is a common approach to add language-server-protocol support to ST. It works with several languages already. It is the approach Microsoft uses for VSCode to support IntelliSense. It automatically provides completions/tooltips/linters if supported by the language-server. python-language-server uses Jedi library to provide completions and tooltips.
The same library is used by Jedi - Autocompletion which is some kind of proprietary approach of creating a language server. It also uses python to run some kind of server app which uses Jedi to provide completions. But it does not support linting.