Written in response to this StackOverflow question asking how to select until specific lines programatically.
- works bidirectionally
- respects the current selection
- only executes if there is a single selection
Setup Info:
@ GitHub
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class SelectToLineCommand( sublime_plugin.TextCommand ):
def run( self, edit ):
window = self.view.window()
selections = self.view.sel()
if len( selections ) != 1:
self.currentSelection = selections[0]
if self.currentSelection.a > self.currentSelection.b:
self.currentSelection = sublime.Region( self.currentSelection.b, self.currentSelection.a )
window.show_input_panel( "Select To Line Number", "", self.get_LineNumber, None, None )
def get_LineNumber( self, userInput ):
lineToRow_Offset = 1
row = int( userInput ) - lineToRow_Offset
selectionEnd_Row = self.view.text_point( row, 0 )
currentSelection = self.currentSelection
if selectionEnd_Row >= currentSelection.b:
selectionStart = currentSelection.a
selectionEnd = self.view.line( selectionEnd_Row ).b
elif selectionEnd_Row < currentSelection.a:
selectionStart = currentSelection.b
selectionEnd = self.view.line( selectionEnd_Row ).a
newSelection = sublime.Region( selectionStart, selectionEnd )
self.view.selection.add( newSelection )