Sublime Forum

Prompts causing copy/paste/editing problems


I originally hit the forums with a problem where CTRL+BACKSPACE was adding a random character. I managed to find some information on it here

I also then found that copy wasn’t copying the text I was selecting, instead it had the following in the clipboard:

Save Changes?

suggestion.spec.js has been modified, save changes?

Yes No Cancel

I realised that this is due a save changes dialog being in the background of a different sublime instance. The one I was currently in was a tab that I “snapped” out of the original sublime instance.

So it seems as though there’s a few issues with the keyboard focus/prompts having some weird issues based on what I’ve seen and that previously mentioned topic.

I’m on Windows 10 x64 running Sublime Text 3 x64 (Build 3119)

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Found a bug - CTRL+C CTRL+V

Seems Windows specific - in Ubuntu 16.04, it is not possible to type in another ST window while there is an ST window with a modal dialog open, but in Windows, it is possible.

I have managed to reproduce the ctrl+backspace issue by:

  1. open ST 3120 in Windows 7 x64

  2. open a new tab

  3. start typing anything

  4. open a new ST window

  5. in the old window, try to close the tab, but leave up the prompt re “do you want to save?”

  6. in the new window

  7. type anything (optional step, not actually necessary, but helps show the problem if you type more than one word)

  8. press ctrl+backspace - the title in the tab bar now shows a square, and pressing the left and right arrow keys shows the column position changing in the status bar without the caret actually moving. the more you press ctrl+backspace the more non-printable characters you get

    view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))


And then selecting some text in the view and copying it using ctrl+c, shows the correct information in the status bar (e.g. copied 3 characters), but pasting it gives

Save Changes?
New file has been modified, save changes?
Yes   No   Cancel   

as though ctrl+c was pressed on the message box. Right clicking and selecting Copy works as expected, however.

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@IPWright83 would you like to do the honors of logging it at if not, I’m happy to :slight_smile:



related to modal dialogs causing keybinding problems:



I’m happy for you to log it, as you’ve already put the detailed steps to reproduce. I’ll let you take the credit for that effort :slightly_smiling:



I have logged it here:

and closed the other one I referenced as a duplicate of my one, because mine has more details :wink:

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