Sublime Forum

Prices are non competitive


Came here to buy an upgrade, after using Sublime 3 for years. I don’t mind paying for software when it provides value and gets good use.

However, that is no longer the case. $80 is way too high in a world where Visual Studio Code is free.
Please reconsider your pricing strategy, and I may reconsider purchasing your products. As it is right now I am going to uninstall Sublime and move away from it, as the ‘please update now the dialogue’ is a waste of my time.

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Posting that you don’t want to pay for the new version is also a waste of your time.

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If you have a license already, you can add "update_check": false, to your settings to turn off the automatic update check and disable the popup that appears at every startup.



Bad troll. Go back into your cave.



Thanks, that helps. Please consider having it off by default when an upgrade breaks the user experience



you need a license to turn it off.

You are the one wasting time here. Go back to ST3 or choose vs code if you are too cheap to pay for a new license.



@OdatNurd Don’t you ban the trolls on this forum? that bitsper2nd is clearly not contributing in any valuable way shape or form.

@bitsper2nd To give you an example of how ridiculous you are, I got the full Jetbrains subscription, Gitkraken, and a few more. It’s not about the money it is the value that one gets out of it.
If you know nothing about other people, then it is best to be quiet, or ask questions. So don’t assume. Just act like a kind human being.

You are sadly just a troll, words can’t change this, so go back into your cave. And I deeply hope you get banned. Because your presence is not good for sublime text.

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To you it is about the money.

Me calling you out on what you wrote before is not trolling. You aren’t here seeking help or looking for discussion. You are here to complain about non-issues.



Yeah it’s literally written there, word for word you quoted it.
Let’s rehash: It’s not about he money it is the value that one gets out of it.

I came here to address my concerns after using this product happily since 2014. Back then the world looked different, Visual Studio Code came in 2015.

There is no doubt that you are nothing but a ill intended troll, and I deeply hope that whoever runs this forum takes care of this. But be that as it may.
I came here as a customer to articulate my reason for not performing an upgrade after using this product for seven years. The pricing model does not longer work. Things changed over the last decade.

Edit: Here is a screenshot for the non trolls, just in case you care and hopefully re-evaluate things. That’s the email I got in 2014 for paying for sublime text 3. It was money well spent back then.



Values are commonly subjective. I pay $5 a month in a patreon for a person I watch/use for less time I spend than I use on ST4. I really think $80 for three years (it could have been 5 years or more if I did not waste time on other product). I think it is not the competitiveness ST4 devs are looking for here. $80 is fair for me to use a product that I use ALL THE Time on my personal machines (of which I spend less than half of time than the work machine). At work, I use VScode since work does not approve other product that are not approved.



You are comparing a VS Code which is made by multi-million corporation with a Sublime Text made by a company of 6 employees. I get a lot of value from using Sublime Text. It is a modular notepad for me. See value is not limited to money. It can be sentimental. It can be from quality. For example, I know people that use Sublime Text over VS Code do because they dislike electron framework used in VS Code.

It works for Sublime Text and here is why:

  1. They still have a dedicated community
  2. Their model is an unlimited trial just like WinRAR
  3. You only pay for support of the product.

TLDR: You just admitted again that it is about money.



You can always install things in user-space.
I paid $70 back in 2014. That is what makes it so weird. Back then there was no competition from Visual Studio Code and the product was cheaper :smiley:

This whole thing looks like a very desperate money grab gone wrong. And when looking at the forum, I am not the only one pointing this out.

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Nobody is forcing you to pay for Sublime Text. This isn’t Netflix or an antivirus software that stops working when you don’t pay.

We are in 2021. Developers from a small company have to eat and pay the bills. SublimeHQ is not printing money like Microsoft that they can afford to release their product for free.

TLDR: Once again you admit to that it is about the money.



Why aren’t you banned already. Seriously @OdatNurd
Is that one of the developers trolling? Or why don’t you ban that troll.

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Nobody is trolling you. You heavily implied that SublimeHQ made a scam and I refuted that claim. Simple as that.



Why are you so defensive? There is a real hard effort going on.

The impression you give is that there is something to cover up concerning the price. Which it certainly is. Trying hard ain’t helping you


closed #17


I think this conversation has more than run it’s course at this point. This topic has been discussed many times in the past and I don’t think anything more productive is going to come out of this one the way it’s continuing.