Is there a way to prevent preview of binary files? For example, if I click on an image in the sidebar, the hex shows up in the text panel. I’d rather not see that. I don’t normally click on images in my text editor, but it does happen occasionally. It is also a problem when using Go To File and mistyping a file name. This actually happened to me this morning. I was looking to open a particular file, mistyped the name, and suddenly saw a blue progress bar working its way across the text area. It turns out that the Go To File had landed on a flash video about 30 Mb. I just don’t need that to happen.
… checking preferences …]
I found folder and file exclude patterns in global settings, but I’d kind of like to leave the references to the files in the sidebar. I also saw binary file pattern to keep binary files out of Go To *, which will solve the problem I encountered this morning. So it comes down to being able to leave binary files in the sidebar but not showing a preview of them if clicked. Possible?