Is it possible to prevent a plugin from automatically loading?
I converted my library, partially, into a package. The issue is, the code is executing starting at the file. The problem with this, is it is executing from WITHIN the package… And despite using things such as from . import blah… it doesn’t recognize . as the current dir. Even if I try changing the import to import blah; it doesn’t work and gives a lot of errors.
If I import AcecoolLib from outside of it, it works ( and this is if I just run normal Python - although since some of the nested packages rely on other nested package information, I do import … information which ends up unable to go above the current so it must be imported from the TOP top… )…
So is there any way to prevent this, or do I need to put it in a nested folder?
AcecoolLib/AcecoolLib… then import AcecoolLib.AcecoolLib as AcecoolLib to get rid of that excess…?
If you see any issues that jump out at you, please let me know.
I test using:
## Acecool's Python Library - AcecoolLib Conclusive Includer - Josh 'Acecool' Moser
## Note:
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Task List -
## Task:
## Task:
## Task:
## Task:
## Task:
## Task List -
## Task:
## Task:
## Task:
## Task:
## Task:
## Imports
print( 'AcecoolLibTest - started...' );
from AcecoolLib.__global__ import *;
import AcecoolLib;
AcecoolLib.Examples( );
## print( AcecoolLib.python.GetMagicFunctionNames( ) );
## AcecoolLib.debug.EnableTrace( );
## from inspect import getmembers, isfunction;
## import types;
## print( str( types.FunctionType ) );
## def testing( ):
## pass
## print( str( AcecoolLib.__global__.ismodule( testing ) ) )
## print( str( testing is testing ) )
## print( str( isfunction( testing ) ) )
## print( str( globals( ) ) )
## print( str( locals( ) ) )
## print( str( [ o for o in getmembers( globals( ) ) if isfunction( o[ 1 ] ) ] ) )
## print( str( [ o for o in getmembers( locals( ) ) if isfunction( o[ 1 ] ) ] ) )
## class Testing123( object ):
## def de( ):
## pass
## print( type( AcecoolLib ) )
## print( type( Testing123 ) )
## print( str( [ o for o in getmembers( AcecoolLib ) if isclass( o[ 1 ] ) or isfunction( o[ 1 ] ) and o[ 0 ] == '__example__' ] ) )
## functions_list = [ o for o in getmembers( AcecoolLib ) if isfunction( o[ 1 ] ) and ( o[ 1 ] ) ]
## functions_list = [ getattr(AcecoolLib, a) for a in dir( AcecoolLib ) if isinstance( getattr( AcecoolLib, a ), types.CallableType ) ]
## print( str( functions_list ) )
## print( AcecoolLib.example.GetAll( locals( )[ 'AcecoolLib' ] ) );
## print( AcecoolLib.example.GetAll( globals( )[ 'AcecoolLib' ] ) );
## print( AcecoolLib.example.GetAll( locals( ) ) );
## print( AcecoolLib.example.GetAll( globals( ) ) );
## print( str( locals( )[ 'AcecoolLib' ] ) )
## print( str( locals( ) ) )
## print( str( globals( ) ) )
## print( str( globals( )[ 'AcecoolLib' ] ) )
## ## print( AcecoolLib.example.GetAll( getattr( globals( ), 'AcecoolLib' ) ) );
## ## print( AcecoolLib.example.GetAll( getattr( locals( ), 'AcecoolLib' ) ) );
as one example from a dir above it. And it works. But I want to get the examples, etc… systems working but from within it doesn’t.
IE: The AcecoolLib.Examples( ) returns this:
AcecoolLibTest - started...
AcecoolLib - Importing...
> AcecoolLib.__global__
- AcecoolLib.Acecool
- AcecoolLib.debug
- AcecoolLib.string
- AcecoolLib.dict
- AcecoolLib.table
- AcecoolLib.list
- AcecoolLib.text
> AcecoolLib.example
- AcecoolLib.file
- AcecoolLib.folder
- AcecoolLib.function
- AcecoolLib.logic
- AcecoolLib.math
- AcecoolLib.math.easing
- AcecoolLib.python
- AcecoolLib.system
- AcecoolLib.tuple
- AcecoolLib.version
> AcecoolLib.util
- AcecoolLib.util.accessor
> AcecoolLib.database
- Importing AcecoolLib.database.sqlite
> AcecoolLib.datatypes
- Importing AcecoolLib.datatypes.queue
- Importing AcecoolLib.datatypes.stack
> AcecoolLib.examples
> AcecoolLib.objects
- AcecoolLib.objects.angle
- AcecoolLib.datatypes.pos2d
- AcecoolLib.objects.pos
- AcecoolLib.datatypes.vector
> AcecoolLib.settings
> AcecoolLib.steam
- AcecoolLib.steam.SteamException
> AcecoolLib.time
- AcecoolLib.time.cooldown
- AcecoolLib.time.timekeeper
AcecoolLib - Imported
## AcecoolLib.Acecool: Examples
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.debug: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Create a 3 line piped text which looks something like this: X Text Appears Here X ---- Redirects to AcecoolLib.text.PipedHeader( ... ); AcecoolLib.debug.PipedHeader( _text, _pipes = 'X', _buffer = 4, _buffer_chars = ' ' );
## Simple Text-Based Header... Will be moved to Text / String package soon...
AcecoolLib.debug.Header( _header = '', _prefix = '', _suffix = '', _depth = 0 );
## Simple Text-Based Footer... Will be moved to Text / String package soon...
AcecoolLib.debug.Footer( _prefix = '', _suffix = '\n\n', _depth = 1 );
## Text Replacers used in _text.format( **AcecoolLib.Acecool.Replacers( _depth_prefix ) );
AcecoolLib.debug.Replacers( _depth_prefix = '' );
## This function - used to list all functions, and give a brief demonstration, or information as to their usage and / or purpose...
AcecoolLib.debug.__example__( _depth = 1 );
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.dict: Examples
Table of Contents: AcecoolLib.dict
## Dict.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.example: Examples
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.file: Examples
Table of Contents:
## File.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.folder: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Folder.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.function: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Function.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.list: Examples
Table of Contents:
## List.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.logic: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Logic.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.math: Examples
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.python: Examples
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.string: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Index for Examples
## String.FormatColumn( [ _width, _text ]+ ... )
## String.FormatSimpleColumn( _width, [ _text ] ... )
## String.FormatColumnEx( _blank_chars, [ _width, _text ]+ ... )
## String.Truncate( _text, _max_len, _suffix = "..", _absolute_max_len = True )
## DATA_TYPE Output
## String.reverse( _text )
## String.repeat( _text, _count = 1 )
## String.ToString( [ _text ]+ )
## String.ToStringKeyedVarArgs( [ _text ]+ )
## String.Safe( _text = )
## String.IndexOf( _needle, _haystack )
## String.IndexOfExists( _needle, _haystack, _case_sensitive )
## String.SubStr( _text, _start, _end )
## String.SubStrEx( _text, _start, _end )
## String.SubStrNextChars( _text = , _start = 0, _chars = 1 )
## String.Strip( _text, _index, _len )
## String.StripAll( _needle, _haystack, _case_sensitive = True )
## String.FindAll( _needle, _haystack )
## String.StripQuotes( _text )
## String.GetQuotesType( _text )
## String.HasQuotes( _text )
## String.StartChars( _text, _count )
## String.EndChars( _text, _count )
## String.NotEndChars( _text, _count )
## String.StartsWith( _needle, _haystack )
## String.EndsWith( _needle, _haystack )
## String.FormatColumnStripR( _width = 25, _text =, *_varargs )
## String.FormatSimpleColumnStripR( _width = 25, *_varargs )
## String.GetFileName( _file = )
## String.GetFileExt( _file = )
## String.String.__example__( )
## Note: All, or most, of the examples below are formatted into columns using:
## Please Also Note that I alternate blank character patterns to show the text is truncated if it reaches the max size...
## I am considering adding in a border option, so there ccan always be 1 char space, or you decide, between areas ( meaning subtracting from the allotted length, OR adding an extra char...
## I am also going to work on a Layout System so those old Dos Characters ( which made up the nice looking tables in the BIOS, etc... ) can be used as a buffer / organizer with header...
## Note: The blank char in the Ex format column function can be used to make interesting patterns as you can use 1 to many chars... Experiment to find what looks best to you for your debugging needs!
String.FormatColumn( [ _width, _text ] ... )
ie: String.FormatColumn( 10, "Test 10 Width", 20, "Test 20 Width", 30, "Test 30 Width" )
10 10 10__|><|__|><|__|><|__T h i r t yT h i r t y
Test 10 WiTest 20 Width Test 30 Width <Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
10 10 10__|><|__|><|__|><|__T h i r t yT h i r t y
String.FormatSimpleColumn( _width, [ _text ] ... )
ie: String.FormatSimpleColumn( 10, "Test 10", "Test 20", "Test 30" )
10 10 10__|><|__|>T h i r
Test 10 WiTest 20 WiTest 30 Wi<Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
10 10 10__|><|__|>T h i r
String.FormatColumnEx( _blank_chars, [ _width, _text ] ... )
ie: String.FormatColumnEx( "-", 60, "" )
ie: String.FormatColumnEx( " ", 10, "Test 10 Width", 20, "Test 20 Width", 30, "Test 30 Width" )
ie: String.FormatColumnEx( "-", 10, "Test 10 Width", 20, "Test 20 Width", 30, "Test 30 Width" )
ie: String.FormatColumnEx( " -", 10, "Test 10 Width", 20, "Test 20 Width", 30, "Test 30 Width" )
ie: String.FormatColumnEx( "- ", 10, "Test 10 Width", 20, "Test 20 Width", 30, "Test 30 Width" )
ie: String.FormatColumnEx( " - ", 10, "Test 10 Width", 20, "Test 20 Width", 30, "Test 30 Width" )
Test 10 WiTest 20 Width Test 30 Width <Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
Test 10 WiTest 20 Width-------Test 30 Width-----------------<Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
Test 10 WiTest 20 Width - - - Test 30 Width - - - - - - - - <Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
Test 10 WiTest 20 Width- - - -Test 30 Width- - - - - - - - -<Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
Test 10 WiTest 20 Width - - Test 30 Width - - - - - -<Whitespace OR Substitute Chars Fill Space>
## String.Truncate( <str> _text, <int> _max_len, <str> || <False> _suffix = "..", <bool> _absolute_max_len = True )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Testing == Testing
Testing == Testing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Testing == Testing
Testing == Testing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 Testin == Testin
Test.. == Test..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 Testi == Testi
Tes.. == Tes..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Test == Test
Te.. == Te..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 Tes == Tes
T.. == T..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Te == Te
.. == Te
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 T == T
. == T
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 ==
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ Finished
## String.reverse( <str> _text )
gnitseT == gnitseT
Testing == Testing
## String.repeat( <str> _text, <int> _count = 1 )
Testing == Testing
TestingTesting == TestingTesting
## String.FormatColumn( 20, 'TYPE_*', 50, str( TYPE_* ) ) - Used to display TYPE_ output...
TYPE_ANY == None
TYPE_INTEGER == <class 'int'>
TYPE_ENUM == <class 'int'>
TYPE_COMPLEX == <class 'complex'>
TYPE_FLOAT == <class 'float'>
TYPE_BOOLEAN == <class 'bool'>
TYPE_STRING == <class 'str'>
TYPE_TYPE == <class 'type'>
TYPE_TUPLE == <class 'tuple'>
TYPE_LIST == <class 'list'>
TYPE_SET == <class 'set'>
TYPE_DICT == <class 'dict'>
TYPE_FUNCTION == <class 'function'>
TYPE_METHOD == <class 'function'>
TYPE_OBJECT == <class 'object'>
## String.ToString( _text, [ _text ]* ) - This is used to quickly convert a wide range of elements to string without calling str( ) on all of them..
20, Testing, 50, Testing
20, TestingTesting, 50, TestingTesting
## String.ToStringKeyedVarArgs( _text, [ _text ]* ) - This is used to create copy / paste code for Dicts, etc.. Or to organize debugging data of a list...
"20" = Testing, "50" = Testing
"20" = TestingTesting, "50" = TestingTesting
## Dict.SetupQuickLookupTable[ Ex ]( _table [ , _default_value, _use_key_instead_of_value ]* ) - This is used to create an O( 1 ) map!
## Note: Non Ex will automatically use the appropriate _use_key_instead_of_value option for _dicts vs _tuples and _lists
{'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4}
{'one': True, 'two': True, 'three': True, 'four': True}
{'one': True, 'two': True, 'three': True, 'four': True}
{'one': None, 'two': None, 'three': None, 'four': None}
{'one': False, 'two': False, 'three': False, 'four': False}
Dict.FromValues - Setting each value to be True - First uses Value, second uses Key as identifier... Note: Keys are one / two / three / four -- Values are 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1: KEY = True {'one': True, 'two': True, 'three': True, 'four': True}
2: VALUE = True {'1': True, '2': True, '3': True, '4': True}
3: VALUE = KEY {'1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four'}
4: VALUE = VALUE {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4}
5: KEY = KEY {'one': 'one', 'two': 'two', 'three': 'three', 'four': 'four'}
6: KEY = VALUE {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4}
Dict.SetupQuickLookupTable - 1: Default = Value = type( Value ) ... 2: Returns _key for value ... 3: Returns _value for value
1.1: KEY = str( type( KEY ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTable( _dict ) {'one': "<class 'str'>", 'two': "<class 'str'>", 'three': "<class 'str'>", 'four': "<class 'str'>"}
1.2: VALUE = True Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict ) {'one': True, 'two': True, 'three': True, 'four': True}
1.3: VALUE = str( type( VALUE ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTable( _tuple ) {'one': "<class 'int'>", 'two': "<class 'int'>", 'three': "<class 'int'>", 'four': "<class 'int'>"}
1.4: KEY = str( type( KEY ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTable( _list ) {'one': "<class 'int'>", 'two': "<class 'int'>", 'three': "<class 'int'>", 'four': "<class 'int'>"}
1.5: KEY = True ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _tuple, True, True ) {'0': True, '1': True, '2': True, '3': True}
1.6: KEY = True ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _list, True, True ) {'0': True, '1': True, '2': True, '3': True}
1.7: VALUE = True ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _tuple, True, False ) {'one': True, 'two': True, 'three': True, 'four': True}
1.8: VALUE = True ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _list, True, False ) {'one': True, 'two': True, 'three': True, 'four': True}
2.1: KEY = None Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, None, True ) {'one': None, 'two': None, 'three': None, 'four': None}
2.2: KEY = KEY Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: _key ), True ) {'one': 'one', 'two': 'two', 'three': 'three', 'four': 'four'}
2.3: KEY = type( KEY ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: type( _key ) ), True ) {'one': <class 'str'>, 'two': <class 'str'>, 'three': <class 'str'>, 'four': <class 'str'>}
2.4: KEY = str( type( KEY ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: str( type( _key ) ) ), True ) {'one': "<class 'str'>", 'two': "<class 'str'>", 'three': "<class 'str'>", 'four': "<class 'str'>"}
2.5: KEY = VALUE Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: _value ), True ) {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4}
2.6: KEY = type( VALUE ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: type( _value ) ), True ) {'one': <class 'int'>, 'two': <class 'int'>, 'three': <class 'int'>, 'four': <class 'int'>}
2.7: KEY = str( type( VALUE ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: str( type( _value ) ) ), True ) {'one': "<class 'int'>", 'two': "<class 'int'>", 'three': "<class 'int'>", 'four': "<class 'int'>"}
3.1: VALUE = None Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, None, False ) {'1': None, '2': None, '3': None, '4': None}
3.2: VALUE = KEY Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: _key ) ) {'one': 'one', 'two': 'two', 'three': 'three', 'four': 'four'}
3.3: VALUE = type( KEY ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: type( _key ) ) ) {'one': <class 'str'>, 'two': <class 'str'>, 'three': <class 'str'>, 'four': <class 'str'>}
3.4: VALUE = str( type( KEY ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: str( type( _key ) ) ) ) {'one': "<class 'str'>", 'two': "<class 'str'>", 'three': "<class 'str'>", 'four': "<class 'str'>"}
3.5: VALUE = VALUE Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: _value ) ) {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4}
3.6: VALUE = type( VALUE ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: type( _value ) ) ) {'one': <class 'int'>, 'two': <class 'int'>, 'three': <class 'int'>, 'four': <class 'int'>}
3.7: VALUE = str( type( VALUE ) ) Dict.SetupQuickLookupTableEx( _dict, ( lambda _dict, _key, _value: str( type( _value ) ) ) ) {'one': "<class 'int'>", 'two': "<class 'int'>", 'three': "<class 'int'>", 'four': "<class 'int'>"}
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.system: Examples
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.table: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Table.( ) - ...
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.text: Examples
Table of Contents:
# #
# Table of Contents: #
# #
## Simple Text-Based Header... Will be moved to Text / string package soon...
AcecoolLib.text.PipedHeader( _header = '', _prefix = '', _suffix = '', _depth = 0 );
## Simple Text-Based Footer... Will be moved to Text / string package soon...
AcecoolLib.text.DebugFooter( _prefix = '', _suffix = '\n\n', _depth = 1 );
## Text Replacers used in _text.format( **AcecoolLib.Acecool.Replacers( _depth_prefix ) );
AcecoolLib.text.DebugReplacers( _depth_prefix = '' );
## This function - used to list all functions, and give a brief demonstration, or information as to their usage and / or purpose...
AcecoolLib.text.__example__( _depth = 1 );
------- Uses AccessorFuncDB? -------
## AcecoolLib.tuple: Examples
Table of Contents:
## Tuple.( ) - ...
Obviously not all populated yet since I haven’t finished moving everything into the new layout and I may still move some stuff around…
But am I doing something wrong because I can’t really execute from within the package, even though it works from outside of it?