Sublime Forum

Plugin_host has exited unexpectedly.plugin functionality won't be available until sublime text has been restarted


I have been looking for a solution to this problem for a long time. Some people say that there is a conflict caused by the plug-in SublimeCodeIntel. But I don’t want to uninstall it, because it is a plug-in with complete code. Please help me! please



You’ll have to provide a bunch of details about versions and your environment to see if someone can reproduce the issue. Once we figure out what causes it, then we may be able to come up with a fix.



Version is: 3176!

Come on, I’m desperate.



What operating system are you running? What package is the one that’s displaying the error message right before the plugin host crashes? Have you tried disabling packages to see if the problem goes away and then slowly adding them back to zero in on which one is causing the problem?

Are you a licensed user? If so, have you tried one of the latest dev builds to see if that fixes the problem? For example, the changelog for build 3179 includes this, which might solve your problem.

Mac: Fixed a plugin_host crash when running a process that itself crashes



As I mentioned above, you’ll need to provide more details. Here some basics that would be good:

  • Operating system
  • Operating system architecture (x64 vs x32)
  • Sublime Text architecture (on Windows you can run the x32 build on x64 version of Windows)
  • What packages you have installed
  • The full output of the Sublime Text console after starting the editor
  • Have you tried reverting to a fresh state ( and installing just SublimeCodeIntel?
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