Hi all. Short-term reader, first-time poster.
I’ve written a simple plugin that is designed to create/manage todo lists. I’ve gotten the python code working, more or less, so I can transform lines(s) of text into checklist items with a checkbox at the start that can be toggled with a keypress. So far I’ve ony worked/tested in Sublime Text 3, if that’s relevant.
I created a simple language definition so I have syntax-highlighting, and this all works fine. The problem I’m having is that I can’t seem to get my plugin to only operate when the user is editing files with a “.checklist” extension. I’ve looked at other plugins and it seems that the “extensions”: “checklist”] part of the plugin config file (in this case, Checklist (OSX).sublime-settings) should make this work, but my commands still run on files of any type.
Any help gratefully received.