Sublime Forum

Plugin check and replace dead links


(English is not my native language)
(I can’t insert more than two links because of restrictions for new users)

I work with script WebCite Archive — https: // — which archives on WebCite — http:// — all links in my HTML documents. It seems to me that the plugin which will automatically replace dead links — https: // — in files will be very useful.

I think that it can work so. User starts a plugin. Plugin check all links in documents of the user. The user can start a plugin at any time when he wants. If, for example, in a month the link remains dead, the plug-in replaces it with the archival copy of the link from WebCite. For example: replace to If the link is not saved in WebCite, a plug-in will do of nothing.




I think it might be a good idea to move this from #ideas-and-feature-requests to #plugin-development.
( you can do so by clicking the edit icon near the thread title )

The feature you described has a pretty specific usage case and is unlikely (IMO) to be added to SublimeText as a core feature.

The users @ #plugin-development might be able to offer some insight into how you could go about creating this plugin.