Sublime Forum

PHP warnings when I'm good and the warning is not



No errors in that code, tbmk, and yet… I’m getting warned. Both red arrows point to the php that triggers the warning. I don’t want to turn it off… just want to be warned when there’s really a problem.

Suggestions? Feedback?



After looking up bracket pairing rules in BracketHighlighter (BH), I believe this is a coding-style problem.

        // PHP conditional keywords
        // !!! May conflict with `ruby_embedded_html` if enabled in same file !!!
            "name": "php_keywords",
            "open": "(?:(?<=^)|(?<=<\\?php)|(?<=<\\?))\\s*(if|foreach|for|while|switch)\\b(?=.*?\\)\\s*:\\s*(?://.*?|/\\*.*?\\*/\\s*?)?(?:\\?>|$))",
            "close": "(?:(?<=^)|(?<=<\\?php)|(?<=<\\?))\\s*(endif|endfor|endforeach|endwhile|endswitch)\\b(?=\\s*(?:;|;?\\?>))",
            "style": "default",
            "language_filter": "whitelist",
            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment", "text.html"],
            "scope_exclude_exceptions": [
                "source.php -comment -string"
            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.phpkeywords",
            "language_list": [
                "HTML 5",
            "enabled": true

BH doesn’t think there is a while but it sees a endwhile, hence the red rectangle. I guess this may be “fixed” by writing the while into another <?php while....