Sublime Forum

PHP Completions Updated for PHP 8?


Hi All,

Are there new php completions packages available? I see my default PHP.sublime packages include very old php code in them. For example mysql,m even though this has been replaced with mysqli a while ago already and a lot of these are already included in the PHP.sublime-completions file, however it would be great to have updated completions based on PHP 8 and up.

Or is there an updated package that replaces all of these that I am unaware of?



They are already there.

The issue you are talking about is that mysql is still included.



Howdy, yeah I am aware that the msqli completions are there, however with the changes in PHP should these old redundant completions be removed?

I also see something like get_magic_quotes_gpc is still in there as well?

essentially, what I am looking for is all the old redundant files be removed to match the every changing world of PHP coding



Then the question becomes what should be removed? And the reason for why A gets removed but B doesn’t.

I haven’t written code in PHP for a long time :frowning:. But even back to old days, I just use intelephense.