Sublime Forum

Parsing Elm build system output


I’m trying to make a build system for Elm.

Output looks like this:

elm make --output /dev/null src/Main.elm
Compiling ...-- NAMING ERROR --- src/Some/Path/File.elm

I cannot find a `SomeModule.someVariable` variable:

34|     , someVariable = SomeModule,someVariable

This one is working ok:

  "cmd": ["elm", "make", "--output", "/dev/null", "$file"],
  "selector": "source.elm",
  "file_regex": "-- .* [-]+ .*/([^/]+)$",
  "line_regex": "^([0-9]+)|>"

But I would also like to catch the error message, which in the above case is “NAMING ERROR”, which is on the same line but before the file name. In the manual ( I read that the capture groups is pre-defined in a specific order (filename first and message last), so I’m wondering if there is a way to change the order. I tried using named capture groups like this:

"file_regex": "-- (?<4>.*) [-]+ .*/(?<1>[^/]+)$",

but it didn’t work. Sublime tries to open the file “NAMING ERROR”.