Sublime Forum

Paramaterizing syntax files for similar (but not identical) syntaxes?


I’m writing a syntax definition for a tool called ribosome. It’s a code generator that basically adds syntax to turn Ruby, Python, or JavaScript into a preprocessor.

These three variants of Ribosome differ only in the source language, and by extension the usage of source contexts (source.python vs. source.js vs. source.ruby).

However, I don’t want to maintain three files whose contents are more or less the same; I’d rather put the bulk of the file into a hidden syntax definition that is parameterized with something like this:

include: "Packages/Ribosome/Ribosome-impl.sublime-syntax"
    lang: "ruby"

Is it possible to do that?



It is! YAML Macros 3.0 includes a new arguments feature that should do the trick. Unfortunately, the documentation for the new features is slated for the 3.1 release, but I’d be more than happy to help.

Here’s a quick-and-dirty example implementation:

%YAML 1.2
%TAG ! tag:yaml-macros:YAMLMacros.lib.arguments:
name: !format 'Ribosome - {language}'
scope: !format 'source.{extension}.dna'
  - !format '{extension}.dna'

    - match: ''
        - include: !format 'scope:source.{extension}'
        - include: dna

    - match: ^\.
      scope: punctuation.definition.string.dna
        - clear_scopes: true
        - meta_scope: string.unquoted.dna
        - match: $
          pop: true

You’d pass arguments like language: "JavaScript", extension: "js".



Hot damn. I’ll give this a try immediately and report back. Thanks!



So, lemme see if I have this right. For each version of Ribosome, the YAML would be very small. How would I include the yaml-macros file and pass it arguments?



(While writing this answer, I realized that I forgot to create a with macro. I’ve released YAML Macros 3.0.3 with the missing feature.)



You’d have something like the following:

%YAML 1.2
%TAG ! tag:yaml-macros:YAMLMacros.lib.arguments,YAMLMacros.lib.include:
  - language: JavaScript
    extension: js
  - !include_resource Packages/Ribosome/Ribosome-impl.sublime-syntax

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It should be stripping the trailing underscore when importing the macro. Are you running version 3.0.3? I literally just added the with macro twenty minutes ago because I forgot it.



Yep, I didn’t notice that post. Must’ve been blocked by something. It works beautifully now, thank you!

Related note; when it comes time to distribute this syntax, how can I do so such that the user doesn’t need to know or care about YAMLMacros?



You can just use it as your internal build system. Sublime won’t do anything with the .yaml-macros files, but it will pick up the compiled .sublime-syntax files, so as long as you build your .yaml-macros source files before releasing, it doesn’t matter that the resultant .sublime-syntax files were compiled with YAML Macros. For examples, see the Vue Syntax Highlight and CFML packages.

A much more complicated example is JS Custom (not yet on Package Control), which dynamically recompiles syntaxes on the end user’s machine when their user settings change.



So, just like I would with a traditional C program, my release cycle should be as follows:

  • Do some work
  • Compile the project on some kind of CI
  • Zip it up
  • Submit it to the relevant repos (in this case, the one for Sublime Text packages)



With YAML Macros, you do kind of have to build as you go so that you can test your changes. A complex syntax shouldn’t take more than a couple of seconds to build the first time, less on a fast machine. (Most of the parsing work is cached, which gives around a 50% speedup on subsequent builds.)

You could set up a more complex build system than simply pressing ctrl-b all the time, though I admit that I haven’t bothered myself.

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Is there a way to install YAMLMacros with pip? I know there’s a CLI available, and that would really be useful in setting up a Travis build pipeline.



At this time, it’s only available in the form of a sublime package. I might factor out most of the engine into a dependency at some point, but I don’t think that the Package Control dependency format is compatible with pip, either. It’s possible that a newer version of Package Control may make it easier to write a Sublime-compatible library that would work with other package managers.



I almost have what I need to set up an automated build pipeline for this. Here’s where I stand:

On paper, I can apply these macros without running Sublime by running python3 < ~/ribosome-sublime/Ribosome-Python.sublime-syntax.yaml-macros, and with a properly-set PYTHONPATH. However, this is where I get stuck in practice; YAMLMacros can import, but can’t import sublime_api because it’s built in to the sublime_text executable.

So now I need to be able to run YAMLMacros/cli/ using Sublime’s Python interpreter, but without using the GUI. Is that possible? I noticed that the executable has a --command flag. What does that do, and would it be useful to me?



I’m not sure whether it’s possible to use the sublime interpreter in that fashion.

Currently, !include_resource only works within sublime. This is the result of an emergency patch because the general implementation was broken on Windows. Fixing that is a mid-priority issue; I probably won’t get to it this week.

However, I’m not sure that !include_resource would work anyway in the context of a CI system where the file may not be in the Packages directory of a Sublime install. For that, I’d use the regular !include macro. That should work just fine with the CLI. (It wouldn’t work if the target file is inside a zipped Sublime package, but this doesn’t matter unless you’re doing dynamic builds after the package is installed.)



I can’t use the CLI because it needs the sublime_api module. So instead I’m trying to string together a bunch of subl -b --command <something> calls.



You know what, I’ve decided to just use sed instead of YAML-Macros, as wrestling with it to use it for an automated build is becoming a big distraction. All the same, thank you for your help.